I almost hate to make a new post because I love the video from the Tea Party for Two Million that you can visit on my September posts. View the video because its great! Now, on to more serious matters.
If you get the chance, watch the Fox Report on Acorn done by Megyn Kelley. She presents a very balanced report on ACORN and gives Rathke (the founder of ACORN) plenty of good press. The problem with Rathke is that he is a socialist. As human beings who care about other human beings, our consciences want to believe that Rathke is a good person because he's trying to help the "poor," but his value system presupposes that those who are poor need community organizers or they will remain poor forever. Those who are poor need help, but it is usually in completing educational programs, escaping violence or drugs, or bridging a gap that helps to avoid homelessness; not in receiving government handouts in the form of home loans where the principal on the loan payment is more than 50% of their take-home pay. Yet, that's what ACORN did for us. They lobbied for and got the Community Reinvestment Act which Barney Frank supported (as did Chris Dodd), and this is the act that is solely responsible for the devaluation of the mortgage-backed security market.
Hmmm, doesn't that sound familiar? That's because when the mortgage-backed security market tanked, everything else that depended on its stability tanked with it (AIG, etc.). It is the reason that my small business is in serious trouble today. ACORN is directly resonsible (along with some really stupid legistlators) for the economic woes of this small family in Montana, and yet the left (Michael Moore, et. al.) we wants us to believe that it is "Wall Street" or "Capiatlism" that is to blame for our fate. Instead it is the socialist contingent of our society who constantly demand restrictions in the free market who screwed this one up. I'm sick of them and I want them to go back to their caves and stay there. We're not the Neanderthalls' Congressman Wright, and frankly the Neanderthalls were smarter than most of you in Congress today! Leave the free market alone. Let the health insurance providers practice business like everyone else in America (across state lines), allow people to purchase catastrophic illness medical policies just like we can purchase life insurance policies today, and this so-called problem with the 45 million (12 of which are illegal) will magically disappear.
How can we purchase life insurance policies that pay out huge sums of money when we die for less than $100/month when we cannot manage to insure families for less than $1,200 month (and no amount of insurance is available for those with pre-existing conditions)? Current political policies delineats the operating practices of medical insurance companies and make this paradox possible. Ask your Congressman why life insurance is so inexpensive!! Because we have regulated the hell out of the medical insurance services industry and they cannot offer us Catastrophic plans at decent rates because they have a complex noose of regulations around their neck in each and every state in the union! Ronald Reagan proposed a Catastrophic Insurance program for every American, and the Democrats voted it down. Ask the questions! I can get life insurance for $60/month, but I can't buy a catastrophic health insurance plan AT ALL because I take a drug that is on the NO CAN DO list and therefore insuring me is a matter of going through my state plan and paying $1,700/month just because I take a drug that is sometimes used in drug addiction programs (to help people get off Oxycontin) for lower back pain relief. It's synthetic for God's sake and I'm paying a fortune for it! I digress...
So, think about it. ACORN and its ilk work to put limits, caps, ceilings, floors, etc. on our perfectly good capitalist system and then scream bloody murder and want to revolutionize our system when a tiny percentage of our population cannot get insurance because we have also managed to put restrictions on the delivery of THAT service as well. It is a seriously mucked up situation, and it is time to let your legistlators know that we must leave the market to its own devices. Protect those who need protecting, defend our country against our enemies, both domestic and foreign, but STAY OUT of our free market economy, and let some of the things that should take place, take place!
I want my Catastrophic and prescription health insurance, and by God, I want it now. But I want the free-market version; not the ACORN on steroids version that Baucus is currently proposing. And Sen. Baucus? I are not an iDioT; I can read any bill you can; and I can probably do it better! Simplify! Cut back, cut down, CULL! Get rid of the thousand page bills and start small because, DOGGON IT, that's all we've got! We don't have enough money for what you want to put in place because no matter what you say you can pay for? We don't believe you. Your claims that programs are revenue neutral and that there are "offsets" in place for spending are, if not disingenuous, certainly naive. We already know that these programs have lives of their own and when they're in place, there are no checks and balances that are present structurally in capital ventures.
Wake up people! We're on the way down the road of socialism, and it is paved with ACORN bricks that will crumble and fall away when you need them most.
Megyn Kelley's Report can be seen on Hulu at: I'll put it up as soon as Hulu posts it