The true colors of the Left are on full display tonight as the sore losers take to the streets for their final hurah. What these numnuts burning fires and causing headaches for the police don't see or feel around them is the pure joy of millions of entrepreneurs, unemployed oil workers, restauranteurs, and home-based business owners who now know that the wicked witch is dead! We are joyous with the anticipation at the death of Obamacare, one of the most aggregious transfers of wealth at the hands of politicians since the New Deal.
The scare-mongering is just beginning as the failed linguist Paul Krugman pens yet another ridiculous column, this time warning that the markets will "never recover!" I've got only one thing to say to the leader of the Left, "A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats!" I would think that we could finally push Dr. Krugman from his Leftist pedestal with the penning of his obviously piss-poor analysis of market behavior. This guy is done being of any influence in the economic arena; perhaps he should go back to his academic roots and work on his failed theories there. It's time for media outlets like CRTV and PJMEDIA to take their rightful places in the forefront of political discussion.
Most entrepreneurs and professional business people are too busy to listen to those who base their theories of everything on "models." These Americans are too busy getting their products ordered, shelved, and marketed to worry that some Leftist has-been thinks the markets might never recover and, frankly, that sounds like bunk to them because with the death of Obamacare, lower taxes, and regulatory moratoriums, they think it sounds more like Morning in America!
I've been humming, "Nah, na, na, nah, na, na, na, nah, hey, hey, hey, Goodbye," for 12 hours, and my favorite thing to do now is to pick out the little American flags on the cars in traffic. I don't feel like there is a guillotine hanging over my head anymore which is an entirely new experience after a solid year of believing that Americans would buy the lies that Hillary Clinton was selling in her campaign. After listening to Obama move to the right in his campaign, using the buzzwords, "entrepreneurship," and "small business," knowing that as soon as he won the election, he asked most of America to "sit in the back of the bus," I feared that the working class would once again believe the lies so carefully crafted by the Left to fool Mr. & Mrs. American Entrepreneur and with little or no fight in the Republican candidate in 2012, it was hard for me to believe that Donald Trump was going to convince my compatriots that we could bring free market capitalist principles to the fight. I should have believed because he was, afterall, the only Republican candidate who bucked the establishment advisors and brought the Clinton history front and center at the debates. It was the first time that a Republican showed some guts and threw the sexual predator charge right back in the faces of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Do I think it made a difference in the minds of some of the voters? Absolutely. I would have gone further, of course. I would have brought up the crass and devastating actions of Hillary Clinton when she fired lifetime Whitehouse travel staff with little notice to replace them with her buddies from Arkansas. It was a classless act and one that should haunt her to her grave. The non-partisan staffers had warmly welcomed every president from Carter forward and she packed up their belongings and threw them out on their ears, and she wasn't even the President! I would have voted against her for that alone.
In retrospect, I think it was the fact that Trump was a fierce fighter, a characteristic I disliked intensely during the primary when he devastated my candidate with attacks on his father and wife that were beyond the pale, that brought the American people to their feet and created the movement that resulted in a Republican victory. It may have been the Republican's year in any case, but there was something in the Trump candidacy that Americans didn't see in Romney that brought them to the polls and I admit wholeheartedly that I am grateful for it. I am also grateful that the Never Trumper crowd was less of a crowd and more of a reactionary few who will now melt into the "movement" and be forgiven for disliking the candidate who will bring back prosperity to America. It's OK in America to dislike your party's candidate, and it's OK to believe that we might, once again find hope in the form of free-market capitalism in our Constitutional Republic.