Yeah, I get it. Somehow the Liberals have convinced you that gun rights don't matter a wit. After all, I'm sure that a background check would have saved the grade school kids at Sandy Hook and the movie theater attendees in Colorado. No? You disagree that a background check would have saved lives? Huh.
It's not rocket science, folks, it's common sense. We have the right in this country to bear arms. That doesn't mean that you can equate a right of ownership to yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater like Obama just did to justify his lawlessness. That, on it's face, is ridiculous. First and foremost, the real life example is not to compare it to our 1st Amendment right to free speech. The real life example is to say that we can't all own nuclear weapons; that's the comparison, because the 2nd Amendment is a right stemming from our natural rights discussed clearly in the Declaration of Independence. It is a right that we have as a populace to own our own protection AGAINST OUR GOVERNMENT.
But Barack Obama and his idiotic Attorney General Lynch (which is not an accepted name on the Left) sat in front of the fawning Praetorian guard media and the sycophant Sheeple today and gave us the most psychotic Liberal tripe I have yet heard from this one-time adjunct instructor (NOT a full professor of ANYTHING...least of all the Constitution of the United States of America) followed by even less intelligible gibberish from Ms Lynch. My God people, we're talking about your RIGHTS here and you are fully willing to hand them OVER.
Hell, just give up now, hand the ruling class the power and live your lives knowing that you are safe in the bosom of Socialism and all your needs will be met by the government and it's brilliant political elite. Give them everything now, because they WILL take it. There is not ONE example of Socialism that works for a population of 300 million. That is why the Socialists ended up killing 60 million Orthodox Christians and Pol Pot killed over 4 million of his own, the list is long and the facts are overwhelming to the point where the Sheeple aren't able to process the evil that it takes to kill giant swathes of the populace; the political elite don't want to be challenged and they are willing to kill in order to protect themselves. I know, I know, that will never happen in the US, never. We're going to be a Democratic Socialist country where it actually does work. The people who have grown up in the safety of a society created by capitalism and under girded with Christianity are blissfully ignorant avoiding the lessons of history at their peril.
It will start with the psychiatrists hired by our government who will come into our lives recommended by the state and they will throw dissenters in psych wards. There will be news of reporters and right-wing "loons" who needed to be hospitalized; I bet if you look hard enough, it's already happened. I wonder what ever happened to the guy who made a stupid video used as the excuse for Benghazi by an evil Secretary of State. We have enough Conservatives in this country to bring attention to these things, but will the Sheeple listen?
I believe in free markets, Liberty, our Constitution, and the ideas on which this country was founded; and I believe in these things so strongly that I am willing to defend them with my life. I would prefer that my life not be spent in a psych ward, but I am willing to say the things that will eventually make me unpopular in the power structure. I will also have to have my gun rights taken from me against my will. I am willing to defy what I believe is an extra-constitutional executive order that is clearly made by an individual intent on changing the structure of our founding. In essence, Mr. Obama can kiss my Lilly White Ass. And if he wants to push it, I'm willing to push back.
I believe this administration has over-stepped its bounds. It is time for Obama to be ignored. We can start with the FACT that Obama just let two criminals who were convicted of gun crimes and sentenced to appropriate sentences out of jail because, well, I'm still trying to figure that one out. Apparently, the explanation is that we have too many people in jail. Well, stop letting people into the country! So, while he seeks to curtail our Constitutional Rights on one hand, he lets criminals out of jail who have abused those rights on the other. I believe something here violates his oath of office to protect me and my family (in addition to the release of 5 lieutenants in ISIS in trade for a "prisoner" of war who is now being tried for treason); due to these and myriad number of extra-Constitutional acts of Utopian Socialism, BO is no longer my President. I no longer recognize a President of the United States.
You know, I felt scattered in organizing my thoughts for this Blog. I don't usually. I usually have very organized thoughts and a very clear road to expressing those thoughts. But today was different. I've never experienced such a feeling as I did today: that given the blatant actions by this President and his cadre of Socialists, that I am no longer attached to a branch of my government. I no longer believe that this Administration believes in my Constitution. I do believe they are trying to overthrow my beautiful country and it is difficult to write about. There are so many blatant examples of treasonous behavior that it takes ones breath away. I understand now the crushing defeat the Solzhenitsyn felt when he had to leave his country. Even upon his return, he knew that though there had been progress, his country was now under the jackboot of another power, the power of the globalist mobsters and political elite. Communism is now considered quaint, but "democratic socialism" is all the rage. The struggle continues.