I did not come to this decision lightly. I enjoyed being a Trump voter, however fleeting. The heady days of Reagan returned to my soul and I remembered the excitement that voting for a charismatic leader engendered. We could have Ronald Reagan, or something like a Ronald Reagan victory again! So, here I was thinking that life was looking up from my political perspective and BAM, I received a reality check in one sound bite (which seems appropriate). In a televised interview, an msnbc reporter asked Mr. Trump what Conservatism meant to him. Easy, right? Small government, adherence to a political system of small r republicanism by following the Constitution, free market capitalism as the vehicle to bring prosperity to all people, god-given rights, etc. You probably have some idea of why you're a conservative, right? Well, I'm telling you right now that your answer would have been better than Donald Trump's answer was. He was obviously thrown...shaken by the most basic question that a reporter can ask a politician! Hell, the only part of his answer that made any sense at all was his mentioning conservation of the environment (which we as Conservatives often forget to talk about). It was bunk, pure and simple. He had no idea why he's a "Conservative." He has probably since been educated, or at least, I hope they've educated him; but it's too late. I already know that Trump is not a Conservative...not really.
I would probably have voted for him anyway, because I want to win! I want to crush those little socialist idiots into dust, period. But it kept bothering me. I've read both of these men's books. Donald Trump's books have always been interesting and fun, but I had to make myself read Ted Cruz's book. By page 2, I was already enjoying the narrative. Not only does his family's history provide for good reading, but he writes extremely well, never leaving the reader to slog through boring sentences. Every chapter in his book was interesting, pertinent, and told a story. He's an open book, to those who read his tome. Donald has a very different style. He's not going to let you into his innermost thoughts; you are an observer and a pretty lowly one at that and certainly one that has a lot to learn, in his opinion.
It was a combination of writing style, the Conservative question, and a conversation I was having in my mind with my late step-father, Bob, who would reside solidly on the side of Ted Cruz. He would tell me that consistency means something in politics; that it's not a popularity contest, in fact, Reagan was a hated man, an intractable dumb cowboy ex-governor/actor who would destroy the world with one press of the red button; that we have watched Ted Cruz buck the establishment every step of the way. He was elected by the grass roots voters of Texas who sent their donations in small denominations to a campaign waged against an establishment billionaire incumbent. Cruz told the folks who sent in their checks $25 at a time that he would fight for Constitutional rights, strong borders, and the invasive, abusive, intrusive behemoth, Obamacare, which he said he would fight with his heart and sole to repeal. We have a Senator here in Montana, Steve Daines, who promised the same thing. He did not deliver. The ONLY politician who has delivered any of what he said he was going to deliver is Ted Cruz. Go look at his rating on Conservative Review.com; he is one of a few Senators with an A rating. My Senator Daines, who ran as a Tea Party Conservative has a D. That's what you get when the grass roots gets swept aside.
So, this is the time to elect the one person in this race who is in politics because the people supported him, one vote, one check and one conversation at a time. He did what he said he was going to do: he fought against Obamacare, he fought against "Immigration Reform" that we all KNEW was a bad idea (supported strongly by Marco Rubio...but don't get me started on him...he should NOT be President, but I think that's obvious), and, most importantly, he stood up to the establishment leadership of the Republican Party who, if you remember...think about it, it will make your blood boil...made deals with President Obama that increased our government debt by about a Trillion, and passed crucial legislation for the green energy folks (resulting in the loss of 800 coal jobs just the other day), among a thousand other things that grew our government, yet again. Cruz told McConnell he was a liar and McConnell doesn't like him anymore, therefore nobody likes him anymore? No, McConnell (who is one of this world's biggest idiots) doesn't like him because Cruz called him on the carpet; that's who doesn't like him any more.
Finally, Donald Trump is a Twitter-addict who thinks that he can use star-power to win an election instead of a good old fashioned political ground-game. His stream-of-consciousness tweeting has clearly shown his childish tendencies. Honestly, his sons should hide his phone. Or worse, maybe it's not him! No, I think it is; only the Don would say stuff like that and then proceed forward as if everything were just great. After destroying Ben Carson by going on and on about the knife incident in an interview and many town hall gatherings, saying what a psychopath Ben used to be and how that never goes away and how we couldn't trust him because he might be like a pedophile (yep, remember that one?). That's why Ben's numbers in Iowa tanked! So, I had to laugh when there was Trump, being interviewed about the Iowa caucuses saying that Ben was such a great guy and so respected, how could Cruz do something so awful to tweet that Ben was not headed to NH (a tweet that was true in content, though should have been fact-checked); but the hubris that Trump has makes me wary. He is a chameleon of the highest order.
Ted may not have the most handsome appearance. I know he doesn't have the appeal of Reagan or the rugged good looks that we think we need in a leader, but he will be a great President. He will lead with honesty, integrity, and he will take a careful look before leaping in foreign conflicts (where Rubio is more of a leaper). He will tear into whichever candidate the Demoncrats put up against us, and he will always act in a Constitutionally consistent manner. This means state's rights, Lefties. He will leave important social issues up to the states to solve. It's an important distinction. And, frankly, I'm not sure Trump really gets that part of the whole "Conservative" thing. In fact, I think Donald is lately come to the Conservative political philosophy, and would, therefore, prefer to hire him to build the wall instead of hiring him to run the executive branch of our government in a Constitutionally consistent manner. We need Ted Cruz and I hope that you will overlook the lack of charisma, the strangeness of his looks, to the character of the man who should be the next President of the United States of America.
Just a note of remembrance and thanks to a man who influenced me and taught me what I know and love about Conservatism. Thanks, Bob!