Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I say, "Bump, Bump, Chumps for Trump!"

This is my anti-Trump bump, a white-girl rap that will insult the Trump Chumps as much as I am willing to insult them at this time.  I'm excited that you're excited...I am.  But, wow, really?  Is he two?  His last rant consisted of "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" language usually reserved for the kindergarten playground.  

When asked what Conservatism meant to him, he drew a blank; and his business dealings will out...he can't hide them forever.  Hopefully, his mob connections will give Hillary pause before she orders her own hit on the man.  Oh, I know, my Lib friends are exclaiming, drawing in deep breaths, etc., but just consider:  I'm not saying Trump's not corrupt, I'm pretty sure he's corruptible, but COME ON... Hillary?!

And the Birther Crap, I cannot tolerate it!.  It is purely and simply crap, and if you are going to bring it up, then you need to read, alot, but mainly this:

The word "Chump" came to me as I listened to Trump backtrack on HB1 Visas.  The argument that we do not have enough young workers trained in Science, Mathmatics and Computer Programming is a lie perpetrated by those who wish to defend the status quo in STEP industry wage levels, which have remained flat through the last 10 years. 

Stagnant wages in STEP industry jobs directly correlate to HB1 Visas causing demand for these jobs to increase.  Do you think that the big software companies and tech industry giants need a government subsidy in the form of foreign workers who will accept low wages?  Yeah, me either.  Cruz has come out firmly, as usual, on the right side of this issue. 

But my guy isn't a bombastic Scot with crazy hair, years of reality TV brand recognition, and an unending supply of cash.  Instead, he was the valedictorian of his high school class, he's had to work at being "cool," and he pissed off the establishment when he stood against a vote proposed by Sen. McConnell to trick voters into thinking their chosen Senators were supporting something when they were not. 

McConnell,  in fact, berated Cruz in front of his colleagues and when the vote came down, only Mike Lee from UT and Ted Cruz voted correctly.  Even Rand Paul blew that one. 

Cruz graduated Summa Cum Laud from his Harvard class after serving as the President of the Law Review and as if that weren't enough, he went on to clerk for William Renquist, one of the most brilliant jurists our Supreme Court has ever known.  Renquist insisted that Cruz learn to play tennis and though he was awful at the game, he took lessons and learned to play because it was important to be present in the justice's downtime in order to better understand him. 

After leaving the clerkship, Cruz brought nine cases before the court and he did not lose one.  He remembers everything he ever hears, which has a name that I can't remember, but the point is that he is conservative, brilliant, and tireless in his defense of our Bill of Rights.  And we need that now.

He faces an uphill battle with a public easily swayed by charisma and brand and a media that pretends Cruz doesn't exist.  In a discussion about who might beat Donald Trump on Fox news this past weekend, Dagan McDowell opined that "women don't like to listen to Ted Cruz." Maybe she's right, maybe we have come to the time in our society when, if you are not acceptable by media standards, and you don't have all the right moves, you can't win the nomination.  Frankly, Dagan McDowell, given her strange looks and bizarre voice, should give Ted Cruz a break.

And, Dagan, I like listening to serious, intelligent, trustworthy people who say what they mean and then DO what they say they will do,  and Ted Cruz is that guy.  Whether the rest of the Conservative base will wake up and vote for the right guy, we will not know for a while yet.  But one thing is for certain-sure!  If the nominee is Trump, I will don my "Chump" hat and vote with the rest of the Trump Chumps, no matter what.

Alex Jones is an Operative for the Republican Establishment

I know, controversial, right?  Well, I think that based on Alex Jones' accusation that Ted Cruz is an Republican-Establishment Spy is pretty much the nuttiest thing I've heard yet.  God forbid there be some nth degree of separation that associates Ted Cruz with the Bush family (who are evil incarnate...and I'm not yet convinced that is true, but I'm willing to look at any evidence anyone has) because Ted, THEREFORE, must be an operative, a spy, or something worse, an establishment whore.

Would someone bash me over the head with a cast iron frying pan, please?!  I'm sure that I've missed something crucial in my efforts to simply BE a conservative.  Alex says, "I don't screw anybody over..."  HA!  When you spout the kind of accusations the day of a primary election against one particular candidate, you are screwing them over, Alex (said with my best disdain-ridden voice, perhaps with a little spit on the X)  Fortunately, I think that Alex has a small reach; though he will assure you he has many big-time requests for his show (which he distributes as a public service...for free; news organizations are encouraged to use the blank spaces in his show for advertising).  OK, I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that if this were quality content, he would ask people to pay.

And what is up with the Schlafly/Sessions/Coulter folks?  Oh, I suppose they look at the Trump campaign as political Nirvana where free trade means fair trade.  Well, great.  So, we're going to go back to the heady days of Smoot-Hawley.  For those of you who remember your 9th grade Civics class, Smoot-Hawley is the economic proof that when you pick winners and losers in the trade arena, you usually end up being the loser.  "But," the proponents argue,"Tariffs don't have to be like Smoot-Hawley, we can use formulas to determine 'fair' trade, i.e., if a foreign country pays its folks .25cents/hr, it gets docked."

OK, but when have you EVER known a politician to stop at one sensible rule.  They never do.  So, I now have to trust a candidate who's claim to fame is saying "You're Fired!" on a reality TV show to propose nuanced trade policy?  OK, he wrote a book (one of my favorites), but that doesn't mean that I think that Trump is the right guy to tread carefully in the Fair Trade arena.  Do you?  I guess that's my question.  It's a matter of Trust.

And Conservatives, yet again, have been tested post-Reagan and they have failed.  It's the Conservative, Dummies!  Vote for the Conservative!  He's not hard to spot since he's the only one in the field; well, except for Carson, but I'm thinking at this point that Carson needs to vacate his run for President.  Pick your issue: Immigration, Trade, Economy, Cruz has done nothing but be Conservative.  He's not a shill for the establishment, he's not a Catholic-hating Evangelist, and he fought against the Gang of Eight, Ann Coulter, in case you're reading this (I hear she reads my Blog religiously).

What he IS, is a Conservative, Harvard SCL graduate who has won every case he has fought for in the Supreme Court (nine by last count).  He's a Dad, husband, and Senator from the great state of Texas, and he deserves Conservative support.  As for Alex Jones, who is that guy?  And what planet does he come from?