Self-proclaimed Socialist politicians like Bernie "Feel the Bern" Sanders should be required to read ALL of Alexander Solzhenitsyn ' s Gulag series while sitting in a jail cell. I am outraged that in our country where we have been given the great gift of political and market freedom, where moronic men like Bernie Sanders have spent their lives immersed in the bossom of capitalism while complaining of its inequities, we do not punish this rank stupidity in the face of Socialism ' s failures.
NO! The "rest of the civilized world" does not have socialized medicine! NO! Denmark, Norway, Sweden & Finland are NOT "democratic socialist" countries. In fact, there is a great book just out that addresses the development of these market economies and it's thesis is that after many years of the Socialist experiment, these governments are moving away from the failed nanny - state policies that slowed growth and productivity toward capitalist free-market economics.
As I watch the utter failure of yet another Socialist experiment resulting in massive human suffering, my anger Is palpable. I am tired of not only watching the human suffering resulting from Socialism ' s inevitable slide into despotic tyranny, but also having to watch as free Americans who don't have to rob trucks for food practically BEG for the same policies from our political elite Leftists who use cute slogans like "Feel The Bern," to market dangerous political policies to people who have been educated in schools that no longer teach history, which they are doomed now to repeat. I do not want to go with them. Nor do I want my country to become a Socialist haven like Venezuela.
I'm suggesting that Socialism is dangerous, creates opportunity for despots and that yes, no government at all would be better than giving a central authority the power to ruin so many lives.