The reaction to Ted Cruz' speech at the #RNC tonight says much more about the Trump supporters than it does about Ted Cruz' character. When Reagan appeared at "Ford's" convention and spoke briefly of unity, he basically did the same thing that Ted Cruz did tonight. Cruz, highly insulted by personal attacks by Trump and his surrogates, could be forgiven, in a civil society, for not endorsing Mr. Trump. In fact, I'm guessing that had he endorsed Trump, his political capital would have been hurt far worse than it has by saying, "vote your conscience," to a room full of people who may not feel entirely comfortable with their choice. And Group Think is a powerful thing. Those who might have given Ted a pass were surrounded by boos and cat-calls and other unbelievably rude and un-unifying behavior and probably felt compelled to join in the popular uprising. It is, afterall, far more fun to Boo and criticize than it is to defend a warrior to a mob. And make no mistake, Ted Cruz is one of our finest warriors.
I sympathize wholeheartedly with those who must now defend their vote against Trump as being one of principle and not a vote to install Hillary Clinton to the executive. Donald Trump won his party's nomination by lying about Ted Cruz' character, demeaning his wife and then attacking his father. Not once did DJT have to match wits w Ted Cruz one on one in a debate about policy where we could take the measure of DJTs Conservatism. Nope, Trump proved himself to be a talented politician, avoiding a one-on-one policy debate with the most talented Conservative debater in the field. It was downright Clintonesque.
The Trump campaign had a chance tonight to mend fences, contain the rude behavior, and manage expectations; afterall, Trump knew what was in Cruz' speech. Instead, in true political scorched earth policy fashion, they crushed Conservative voices and, once again, attacked our Conservative warrior. Instead of taking yet another opportunity to mend fences, they chose to foment the rage of Group-think gone wild and, led by a delegation from NY that cannot even deliver its own state come election night, they sent out the surrogates to insult and demean conservative voices.
Ted is a Snake, a Liar, a Scumbag; all these words are flying around the blogosphere wrapped in statements like, "It's Cruz' fault we're not unified!" Huh, it makes scratching one's head seem redundant. How is a Conservative standing on principle, calling for unity, and telling his supporters to vote their conscience as Constitutional Conservatives not unifying?
In the Trump world of group think, there is no room for dissent of any kind, THAT is how it is not unifying. They know that their candidate is not a Constitutional Conservative. If Trump had cared to unify his party, he would have told the NY delegation to hold their fire. But he doesnt care.
Trump doesn't care about Conservative thought, values or beliefs; he could give a crap about our Constitution and the importance of adhering to its principles in the face of Alinskiite attacks on our society, and he could give a hoot about 1/3 of his party because that's not how he operates. He is a take no prisoners guy and unity is not as important as building brand, destroying perceived dissent, and "winning" at all costs.
So, to all those Trump supporters out there who seem to value unity and accuse Cruz of creating dissent, get over it. Our warrior didn't create the problem, YOU did. Keep attacking Conservatives and you will go down in the flames of November with nothing, very much like the NY delegation will. Hold your fire, get to work, and start campaigning instead of frothing at the mouth to kill Conservative dissent and you MIGHT have a chance to beat the Clinton machine because, frankly, this election shouldnt even be close.