The Liberal media for so long had a monopoly on political reporting. No more. The rise of PJMedia, CRTV, Breitbart, Fox News (to some extent) has changed the media landscape for those who are willing to explore the internet. However, a huge number of people still absorb political news from the alphabet stations and traditional newspaper outlets. These people see nothing but coverage that supports an ideology that, I believe, exists only in the minds of the Liberal Elite and its followers.
Traditional Liberal proving grounds still churn out individuals who are convinced, often against their better judgement, upbringing, and common sense that the American people should put their faith, dollars, and energy into government-centric programs controlled by bureaucrats. These centers of power then churn out "regulations" meant to prop up ideologies; regulations
that carry the power to force action. Again and again, our society dreams up leviathan agencies to "control" the people. George Orwell had nothing on the contemporary Left, nothing at all.
When I saw the coverage yesterday on the Million Woman march, with so many little pink hats, my immediate reaction, was, "You go girls!" But as the day wore on, I realized that this march wasn't about women's issues, it was about Liberal women who hate Trump. What a huge disappointment. In a world where women face descrimination, mutilation, exploitation and struggles that far surpass any challenges these protesters will see in their lives, these women chose to protest a duly elected President in a country where women are more free and enjoy more rights than anywhere on this earth.
After EIGHT years of Cart Blanche Liberal policies supported in large part by Republican leadership, these gals think the world is ending? Hell, Ladies, it's just beginning! And as tempted as I am to laugh at the spectacle, it is also depressing to realize the extent to which the women's movement consists primarily of women who have bought into the big-government, anti-Constitutional Conservative agenda. I have zero in common with these ladies, yet my philanthropic activities focus primarily on women. And after watching the Liberal-leaning coverage from yesterday's big march, I realize that we're still so far away from getting our message across.
In a discussion about the media coverage on Fox news' Media Buzz this morning, it struck me that though Conservative media has changed the media landscape, it has not yet penetrated the psyche of the Elite New York media anchors and reporters. When the anchor of Media Buzz refered to Trump's "war" with the media, he means ABC, CBS, NBC, the NY Times, and the Washington Post, but he does not make that distinction, and with only one guest to to support the Conservative point of view, there was no mention of it.
I'm tired of the news outlets that I trust getting no recognition. Real unbiased reporting happens, but it's rare, and it's time for Wally (anchor Media Buzz) to recognize that there is an entire country of Conservative women out here in fly-over country and we don't trust the Alphabet channels anymore. We trust the reporting at PJ Media, The Washington Times, and CRTV. We want the same recognition that the million Liberal Woman march got yesterday, and we want it now. We've waited 8 Looong years, we care about women's issues, too, and we have nothing in common with the Leftist, Totalitarian, uncivilized, destructive, polluting behavior from yesterday. We want to hear about the real Media in this country and we want to hear about Liberty...for all, not the closed-minded attitudes of the women from yesterday's March who would not allow conservative or pro-life women a voice. And may I also take off my hat to Sean Spicer for laying down the gauntlet and defending us all against the Liberal lies of the last few days.