Those of you who know me understand that I am a Conservative, have been since I wrote my first paper in high school about the book by Alexander Solzhenitsyn entitled "Day in the Life of Ivan Dinesovich."
Well, I'm floored. The Obama administration was so completely corrupt, lying about crucial issues, this last one a real doozy. The Obama administration "assured" Republicans again and again that Iran would not have access to the American banking system, but they outright lied. And this was all to avoid what? Outrage by the Right? It certainly wasn't to gain support for a treaty because there was no treaty, and Obama knew that this farse would never have passed the Senate. But I bet old Bob Corker, head Republican moron, would have changed his tune.
Obama proudly brags that there were no scandals in his administration. That's because his administration WAS a scandal. From "deeming" a rotton, behind-closed-doors "negotiated" ACA to battlefield rules of engagement that have a patriotic army lietenant serving a 20 year sentence, to the outrage of sending spies into the Trump campaign after sweeping Hillary Clinton's many lies and evations under the FBI's politically influenced rug of protection, it is no wonder that Democrats like Doug Shoen are questioning the party leadership.
The Democrat Party, under Barack Obama's leadership is a radical version of it's former self. A Democrat Party once Pro-Abortion, pro-big government has turned into a party of multicultural open borders, government funding of just about anything, and a serious tilt toward socialism. Any resemblance to the Democrat Party of JFK is gone.
Most Americans don't follow politics enough to care. They have a general idea of how they want to live their lives, what they believe in and what the party they support believes in. But while they are comfortably living in a society undergirded by free market capitalism, they are free to dabble in the oxymoronic democratic socialism that so many activists hold close to their hearts. No such thing exists, of course, because a socialist society is, by definition, one in which the means of production is controlled by the state. But they continue to argue that we can have some kind of hybrid, where capital is freely exchanged, the means of production are still privately controlled, but the state has it's fingers in the pie to "protect" the public interests. And, in fact, that's what we currently have.
I do not accept this hybrid as democratic socialism because it's not even close and the more we allow the state to control the means of production, the closer we move to socialism. There IS NO democratic socialism because the tipping point results in Socialism and Socialism results in state control of more than just the means of production because human nature is what it is. The great philosophers knew that once a social institution gains central power, they don't relinquish it, and the argument for democracy through the centuries has been fought again and again. But we don't teach the great philosophers anymore. If anyone reads Marx it's because they are taking Political Philosophy in college. And in those classrooms, Marx is revered for a system of control that my father (PhD Sociology) believes would work but that I believe has been shown, miserably, to fail.
As Ivan Dinesovich dug marks into his cell wall, he contemplated the social construct that resulted in his confinement and found it lacking in human Liberty. We give great powers to our political leaders and the rule of law is divided when those leaders are corrupt which leads us to a system where a Navy Corporal sits in jail for taking pictures on his submarine while his Secretay of State runs an unsecure server, wipes out thousands of emails, erases the hard drive with Bleachbit and destroys cell phones with hammers and runs for President, fully protected by a politically supportive justice department.
Obama's scandals are very real and myriad. If life were fair, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Rod Rosenstein, Jim Comey, James Clapper and John Brennan would be carving dates into the rock walls of their cold, damp cells and enjoying the fruits of a system they so love during their long days working on collectivist farms.