There are things we CAN do, like recycle, look at packaging and regulations or laws that require us to lessen our impact on the environment of packaging in our Capitalist society. But when you bring forward policies that will hurt the working poor first and the political Elite last, I have a problem with that.
The Sri Lankan Prime Minister, pressured by the World Economic Council, a bunch of Elitist snobs who couldn't care LESS about the working person in lower class Sri Lanka, banned the use of chemical fertilizers (oil as the primary input) in the farming industry; immediatly after the ban, many farmers went out of business because what is the point when crops won't grow or pests eat crops prior to harvest? The result of the Elitist "We Know Better" World Economic Development Council has been to starve a country and drive it's people to attack their government. Granted, the Sri Lankan government also borrowed a boatload of money from China and did some other stupid things, but the reason they are hungry has little to do with debt and a lot to do with food. Having listened to the Elitist Left on both farming and Debt, the Prime Minister is now in hiding while his constituents defecate in his pool.
And now, off to America where Elitist Leftist policies that have worked literally nowhere are creating a USA dependent on its enemies for its energy. And if you believe that FJB is off trying to get the price of oil down, I've got some beautiful property in Glendive, MT for you. We are witnessing chaos from implementation of Green New Deal policies and soon we will all think $100 fill-ups are normal, and not so bad. That is the goal. Yeah! Let's do that here because, we're different. We have technologies that will allow us to save the planet. Oh, right, Sri Lanka had those technologies, too, and they are now starving.
Are we sick and tired yet of political lackies who have no love of country, much less the God it was founded under? They are their own gods now. If you believe this global warming crap, you're drinking some powerful kool-aid. It's time for the other half of our country to wake the hell up before our country resembles Sri Lanka, Germany with their rolling blackouts, or the Favelas of Sao Paolo. Oops, too late, San Francisco is already there.
Is this the country you want, Democrats? Fentanel permeating our society clearly flowing over our wide-open border? Corruption rampant in our Federal Government far surpassing any so-called collusion that Trump the Boy Scout compared to Joe Biden ever did? It blows my mind to watch the destruction of our country. It is such sad thing. China had only to purchase a corrupt political party, help to steal an election, something we must never, ever discuss, and they have defacto control. The only thing saving us from outright takeover will be our 2nd ammendment which is under attack by the corrupt who put forth policies which make no common sense.
I have some older Democrats in my life who still believe their party is the same moderate Blue-Dog Democrat Party of the 80s. If that party were still in power, the border would be controlled and running w the same efficiency as any other government agency ever does, and we would not have terrorists, foreign nationals from 98 countries and every South American crossing our border without any form of real tracking. But they are not alone. They have help from the Bilderberg contingent, i.e., Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi. Trump was far too independent for their tastes, so he must be destroyed. Yesterday, they went so far as to drag out a protester from J6 who is undoubtedly being told he will spend his next 10 years in jail for doing little more than "parading" in the Capitol unless he says exactly what they want him to say. In other words, the Trump-derranged will not stop until they have convinced the sheeple who still watch MSNBC that he was "unhinged" by an election that was clearly stolen. And, yes, 55% of the people who care in this country think that the Democrats stole this election. I know that's not popular with the political Elite, but I don't give a flying fuck, so I'm glad Trump was a little unhinged, if he hadn't been, he wouldn't have been human. So, Democrats who think you know everything, there is sufficient evidence from all quarters to believe that this election was stolen, and, frankly, we all should have shown up on J6 with weapons and thrown every damn one of those politically corrupt politicians out on their asses. But, we didn't. We protested peacefully, and this is what we get: sham committee after sham committee telling lies and gaslighting the American people until madness depends upon our country. I can't wait for Nov 2022, but I'm guessing they'll find more ways to cheat and, if not, they will start planning for the Big Cheat in 2024.
At this point, Conservatives are running to the hills to escape the madness to the tune of 800 per month in Missoula County alone. The old red diaper dopers will continue to deceive themselves until the Chinese Army takes away their pot pipes and throws them into camps. Gotta love this Liberal New World Order!