You can tell by the constant repetition from the talking heads on the left that the talking points have been handed out: the Republicans are the party of "No." "No," to health care for women and children, "no," to saving the earth, "no," to anything that our vaunted leader was elected accomplish. I wish I had a cartoonist to show the party hacks bashing their heads against a wall labeled "leftist agenda," because Barack Obama did not run as a leftist. He ran as a centrist with one fatal slip during his conversation with Joe The Plumber. They knew how to get him in, but they are far less sure about how to get him out.
You're darn right it should be "No." In fact, it should be "Hell, No!" Never have the Republicans been so united; a fact that has been overlooked by most. "Hell, no," we don't want a health care system riddled with special interest perks and massive intrusion into our private sector, more than already exists by miles. "Hell, no," we don't want a system of energy taxation that will devastate our economy and funnel dollars to the richest in our economy (look into Cap and Trade, it will shock you), and "Hell, NO!" we do not want further intrusion into the private sector by government bureaucrats who are motivated by self-interest and party affiliation. And finally, a huge "HELL, NO!" to the politically correct treatment of enemy combatants and giving constitutional protection to stone-cold killers who have clearly stated that they would like to see nothing less than the destruction of the Great Satan, the United States of America. They want to kill you, my fellow Americans, and they will use our weakness for "law and order" against us to do it.
I am proud to be in the company of those who have decided to say, "Hell, no!" to the destruction of the greatest country on earth. And make no mistake, once the government gets control of 1/6th of our economy, we will be well on our way to looking exactly like the socialist economies of Europe, with no growth and limited opportunity for innovation. If you are still unconvinced, take a hard look at where the innovation is taking place in the world today. It is still in the good 'ol U.S.of A., (and then China manufactures it all: Fair Trade anyone?). So, join us in the party of "Hell, No!" and preserve your children and grandchildren's future because it is clearly in jeapardy and the call to action is upon you.
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