It is important to understand what Roe v Wade IS and what it is NOT. It was SUPPOSED to be the end to the abortion debate; put to rest forever. Has it done that? No. But the Left wants no discussion about any but it's own opinion: abortion on demand until birth. And they think that is good law?
We approach the adjudication of law as a moral people with police powers. This is not the same as what the Supreme Court does which is to decode law based on the Constitution. Yet, the Left, who, most of the time, hates our Constitution and wants it gone, relies so heavily on it here that we have had 40 years of crappy law. States fight constantly in the confines of poorly written law to keep abortion factories from full-scale operation where baby parts are sold for sums of money and women have a "fall-back" option should they forget to use contraception in the heat of the moment. Now, that fallback option will be limited by state legislatures.
According to the Liberal Alan Dertchowitz, Dodd was the wrong case with which to grapple w Roe. It should have been another case, further down the road, he argues. Meanwhile in Florida, they passed a law that abortion will not be legal after the 15th week. This, of course, would have been challenged with the Left's seemingly unending resources. Would that have been the right decision to challenge Roe for Dr. Derschowitz? What the good Dr. Derschowitz forgets is that his Party has threatened to pack the court. With that threat hanging over the justices, Sam Alito knew that it was time.
Some people liken abortion to cosmetic surgery, others, the murder of a baby, no matter the view of it, it is a moral question, and in our Constitution, moral questions belong with the States. As much as the Left would love to have the Kings at the SCOTUS decide the fate of abortion in America, we cannot codify every moral question in the law of the land. Some of these important questions are meant to be discussed, debated, and legislated as close to the people as possible.
Aristotle argues that there is some good in all voluntary actions. Is abortion good? My thought is that it can be good, but primarily, it is not. Whatever happened to "safe and rare?" Roe did not give us Safe and Rare, it gave us body parts for sale. Safe and Rare will, I'm certain, except in NY and CA, be the norm with the debate held by the State legislators. I contend that a large majority of the people in the US believe that abortion should be a safe option available to a pregnant woman up to 12/15 weeks. That will be the outcome of the Supreme Court's dastardly reversal of Roe in most states.
But the Communist Left doesn't care about reasonable, debated, locally considered laws that limit abortion to 12-15 weeks. I contend that Abortion is yet another point of division the Communist uses to create political chasms in American society.
The Left will not be there for you years later when you grapple as an adult with a decision to abort your child at Sixteen. They don't care. What could the Left possibly care about in this fight?
They care about Black people. Nope. The founder of Planned Parenthood's stated strategy was to decrease the entry into this world of Black people because she was a racist. I'm sure PP now downplays the Margaret Sanger agenda, but the fact is that she has been successful beyond her wildest dreams.
The Left cares that women should control all decisions about their own bodies. You have simply to look at the Left's reaction to Covid 19 to realize that isn't true. The Left led the charge to shame, fire, and cancel those who chose not to take the Covid vaccine. But the Left has never prided itself on consistent, logical behavior.
When the Kings who are Supreme Court justices upheld Roe for years on end, the Left lifted them up, beatified them. But now, with careful consideration of what most scholars, including the tenacious Ruth Bader Ginsburg, believed was poorly written law that created a right to privacy out of whole cloth during the commission of what eventually results in the termination of life, the Left HATES the Kings. They chant slogans, burn down Pregnancy help centers and generally throw a tantrum, but that's OK with their media friends because they are justified in their emotional outburst according to the "journalists" at CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS, not to mention Politico, the Huffington Post and The Daily Beast. This decision to throw the moral question of abortion back to the people, or the "States," takes away a right, according to these "journalists," and when has a right that was given ever been taken away in our looong history of 248 years, they scream.
Hmm. I can think of several examples of the SCOTUS reversing wrong-headed decisions: slavery being the most obvious. But we live in a time when our history means little but a reference to whatever supports one's cause whether it is true or not. We are not REALLY supposed to look hard at history, unless it is to say that Jefferson, Franklin, etc., meant "musket" when referring to an "armed" populace. The Left uses 'history" when it suits their purpose and never particularly well.
If we give our Federal Government powers not enumerated in the Constitution, it may someday abuse those powers. The recent Covid experience where the Executive abused its powers by relying on OSHA regulations to require people to show up to work vaccinated or lose their jobs is an excellent example. Imagine that one day, and it could be very close at hand, your Federal Government requires that you get an abortion if you already have a child. The Left never thinks about the Federal Government that abuses its powers as long as their narrative is safely supported. But those who care about freedom do think about it. I hope that the decision to reverse Roe v Wade will preserve our freedoms for a little while longer in this very scary world.
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