Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Democrat Party Turns to Its Elite

With the stroke of a pen, using a law meant to pay National Guardsmen during wartime, Joe Biden turned ship S.S. Democrat toward the base of it's Party, the Elite.  I once called my Socialist ex-friend, Lisa, an "elitist."  I've never had such pushback.  "I'm a Socialist, not an Elitist," she wrote.  I argued that Socialism IS Elitist, and at the very least, its policies are aimed at the political Elite.  Who is supposed to run the behemoth State apparatus but the Elitists who, through their educational bonafides, are the "managers" of the Socialist State?  We now have a clear answer with Biden's unconstitutional treasury grab.

The lessons of childhood are lost to our dementia-ridden President.  I'm sure, at one point in Biden's life, probably while his Mom was driving him to school through the oil-soaked neighborhoods of Scranton, PA with the window-wipers wiping, she told her son that if you borrow something, you must always give it back, and you should give it back better than you received it.  In the case of student loan repayment, the millions of working  Dad's who took side hussles to get their kids through college debt-free probably just decided to become Republicans. It's baffling, really.  I'm not exactly sure of the numbers of people who would support loan forgiveness, but I am sure that the welders, HVAC repairmen, Contractors of any kind who picked up tools instead of taking out student loans will not be pleased that not only are they going to pay for this loan forgiveness program with their tax dollars, but the value of those dollars will continue to erode as billions more are printed with no attendant increase in productive capacity in the United States.  

Republicans are now the Party of working class America by default.  The Democrats will come out w slick commercials showing how they care more for the common man, but Push Advertising doesn't work well when it is an obvious lie.  People don't "feel" right and view the product negatively.

When you have 90% of Social Media on your side, however, and 100% of the main stream media, propaganda is your wheelhouse.  We have yet to see its effectiveness, but we will know soon.  The SS Democrat turns slowly, but it has turned and while the new Republican Party is welcoming Latinas like Mayra Flores, and Blacks like Brandon Tatum, we will pray that "Abandon Ship!" has been announced on the S.S. Democrat and the gang planks have been thrown down to welcome the newly awoken to the S.S. Ronald Reagan.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Senator Daines: Coward

Again, our "Conservative" Senator is a coward.  Just as you withdrew your comments questioning the electors in AZ because the capitol was overrun by peaceful "parading" patriots, you now stand silent in the face of the most egregious breach of civil liberty in our nation's history.  

We have entered the 21st century as a Radical Democracy instead of a Republic: whoever has the power will destroy their political opponents.  Our Constitution has no guardrails to save it and us from the dissolution of civil society and our "Conservative" Senator stands silent.  Are you scared?  Is that the problem?  Of what?  Not to be invited to all the right cocktail parties in Washington?  Not to have the support of an old, washed up Senator from KY?  Stand up for your country, man!  Stand up and be a man and support your republic!  Because when good men are silent, evil steps in, and evil is marching in to our country in droves.  Stop worrying so much about your next term and start standing up for your country.  

You can easily ignore this letter, Sen Daines because I will never support you.  I will always give my funds and support to a more conservative opponent, but what you may not be able to ignore is the destruction of your country because it will become more and more obvious in the next two years that you are a Senator from a state in a Radical Democracy that is going to serve as a haven of escape from the devastation of crime-ridden cities and states run by radicals.  You can't fight while you are hiding.  Wake up and realize where your country has landed; it is under the control of extremists and radicals who will destroy us and our livelihoods.  You will have little left to represent when they achieve their goals.

I am an advocate of peaceful protest and the right to free speech.  There are people sitting in jail in WA DC right this moment for doing exactly that, and not a word from our "Conservative " Senator.  The FBI broke the door down to a family's home in a small town in MN because two young men, former army medics, had assisted a dying woman on Jan 6th.  If that family had been from Montana, would you have stood up?  Would you have written the same kind of impassioned plea that you recently released to the press about the behemoth bill just passed by the radical extremist Left?  Would you have stood up and fought for two young ex army medics if the FBI had broken down the family's front door in Billings?  Is geography dictating your defense of our civil rights?

It would be nice of you were less cowardly, there is still time for you to make the change necessary to be a true civil liberties leader, because we are going to need that kind of leadership.  And that's who I and my family will support in the next election.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Art of War

Know your enemy.  When Sun Tsu said this, he was likely thinking of an enemy outside his close society.  But it makes sense for those who seek to destroy your society from within as well.  The FBI had better come out with the goods bc simply questioning election integrity and looking hard at it does not make an insurrection.  We  have witnessed true government terror in the last 2 years of this Administration, and it is going to get worse.  You mat not be at war with your government, but it is at war with you.

When you try to shut down, intimidate, or silence an entire segment of your society, you have thrown off the Liberal mantel and moved solidly into the totalitarian camp.  The Communists are winning this battle, but it will be the American citizens who will need to win the war.  The Communists are showing their hand, which is refreshing, in a way.  Perhaps now, the people will wake up and see the real agenda of the Left, totalitarian rule.

The Left has now gifted itself the power, in the form of money dumped into the IRS coffers, to terrorize small businesses across America.  If you support Conservative candidates, my suspicion is that you will be audited.  Being a Conservative will become a crime.  Will it make people less inclined to support Conservative policies?  My guess is that anything that involves government terror will result in capitulation.  Americans are not used to war, of any kind.  But this is a new society with Leftists at the helm.  Be smart, move somewhere where the sheriff supports you.  This war is engaged, and you are living in a society where half of the US population is being attacked and the other half is living large.  

The real lesson to be learned here is that the war is at hand.  The Administrative State is controlled by people drunk on power.  If you are a "Liberal" and you are saying, "No, the Leftists are doing great, the DOJ, FBI and other alphabet agencies are working within the letter of the law, I will refer you to the Minnesota family that has been tortured by the FBI since they visited the Capitol on January 6th. Their story is shocking.  4am FBI raids, broken down front doors, raids on a home when parents were not present.  Even the neighbors in this small town are horrified.  The two boys and their Dad used police shields to shield those giving aide to Roseann Boyland from noxious gassed on Jan 6th and they are treated like serial killers.  Now on trial in DC, these folks are refusing to settle with the government and they are showing the rest of America how to fight.  Sun Tsu would have been proud; the rest of us should take heed.