The lessons of childhood are lost to our dementia-ridden President. I'm sure, at one point in Biden's life, probably while his Mom was driving him to school through the oil-soaked neighborhoods of Scranton, PA with the window-wipers wiping, she told her son that if you borrow something, you must always give it back, and you should give it back better than you received it. In the case of student loan repayment, the millions of working Dad's who took side hussles to get their kids through college debt-free probably just decided to become Republicans. It's baffling, really. I'm not exactly sure of the numbers of people who would support loan forgiveness, but I am sure that the welders, HVAC repairmen, Contractors of any kind who picked up tools instead of taking out student loans will not be pleased that not only are they going to pay for this loan forgiveness program with their tax dollars, but the value of those dollars will continue to erode as billions more are printed with no attendant increase in productive capacity in the United States.
Republicans are now the Party of working class America by default. The Democrats will come out w slick commercials showing how they care more for the common man, but Push Advertising doesn't work well when it is an obvious lie. People don't "feel" right and view the product negatively.
When you have 90% of Social Media on your side, however, and 100% of the main stream media, propaganda is your wheelhouse. We have yet to see its effectiveness, but we will know soon. The SS Democrat turns slowly, but it has turned and while the new Republican Party is welcoming Latinas like Mayra Flores, and Blacks like Brandon Tatum, we will pray that "Abandon Ship!" has been announced on the S.S. Democrat and the gang planks have been thrown down to welcome the newly awoken to the S.S. Ronald Reagan.
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