Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Democrat Party Turns to Its Elite

With the stroke of a pen, using a law meant to pay National Guardsmen during wartime, Joe Biden turned ship S.S. Democrat toward the base of it's Party, the Elite.  I once called my Socialist ex-friend, Lisa, an "elitist."  I've never had such pushback.  "I'm a Socialist, not an Elitist," she wrote.  I argued that Socialism IS Elitist, and at the very least, its policies are aimed at the political Elite.  Who is supposed to run the behemoth State apparatus but the Elitists who, through their educational bonafides, are the "managers" of the Socialist State?  We now have a clear answer with Biden's unconstitutional treasury grab.

The lessons of childhood are lost to our dementia-ridden President.  I'm sure, at one point in Biden's life, probably while his Mom was driving him to school through the oil-soaked neighborhoods of Scranton, PA with the window-wipers wiping, she told her son that if you borrow something, you must always give it back, and you should give it back better than you received it.  In the case of student loan repayment, the millions of working  Dad's who took side hussles to get their kids through college debt-free probably just decided to become Republicans. It's baffling, really.  I'm not exactly sure of the numbers of people who would support loan forgiveness, but I am sure that the welders, HVAC repairmen, Contractors of any kind who picked up tools instead of taking out student loans will not be pleased that not only are they going to pay for this loan forgiveness program with their tax dollars, but the value of those dollars will continue to erode as billions more are printed with no attendant increase in productive capacity in the United States.  

Republicans are now the Party of working class America by default.  The Democrats will come out w slick commercials showing how they care more for the common man, but Push Advertising doesn't work well when it is an obvious lie.  People don't "feel" right and view the product negatively.

When you have 90% of Social Media on your side, however, and 100% of the main stream media, propaganda is your wheelhouse.  We have yet to see its effectiveness, but we will know soon.  The SS Democrat turns slowly, but it has turned and while the new Republican Party is welcoming Latinas like Mayra Flores, and Blacks like Brandon Tatum, we will pray that "Abandon Ship!" has been announced on the S.S. Democrat and the gang planks have been thrown down to welcome the newly awoken to the S.S. Ronald Reagan.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Senator Daines: Coward

Again, our "Conservative" Senator is a coward.  Just as you withdrew your comments questioning the electors in AZ because the capitol was overrun by peaceful "parading" patriots, you now stand silent in the face of the most egregious breach of civil liberty in our nation's history.  

We have entered the 21st century as a Radical Democracy instead of a Republic: whoever has the power will destroy their political opponents.  Our Constitution has no guardrails to save it and us from the dissolution of civil society and our "Conservative" Senator stands silent.  Are you scared?  Is that the problem?  Of what?  Not to be invited to all the right cocktail parties in Washington?  Not to have the support of an old, washed up Senator from KY?  Stand up for your country, man!  Stand up and be a man and support your republic!  Because when good men are silent, evil steps in, and evil is marching in to our country in droves.  Stop worrying so much about your next term and start standing up for your country.  

You can easily ignore this letter, Sen Daines because I will never support you.  I will always give my funds and support to a more conservative opponent, but what you may not be able to ignore is the destruction of your country because it will become more and more obvious in the next two years that you are a Senator from a state in a Radical Democracy that is going to serve as a haven of escape from the devastation of crime-ridden cities and states run by radicals.  You can't fight while you are hiding.  Wake up and realize where your country has landed; it is under the control of extremists and radicals who will destroy us and our livelihoods.  You will have little left to represent when they achieve their goals.

I am an advocate of peaceful protest and the right to free speech.  There are people sitting in jail in WA DC right this moment for doing exactly that, and not a word from our "Conservative " Senator.  The FBI broke the door down to a family's home in a small town in MN because two young men, former army medics, had assisted a dying woman on Jan 6th.  If that family had been from Montana, would you have stood up?  Would you have written the same kind of impassioned plea that you recently released to the press about the behemoth bill just passed by the radical extremist Left?  Would you have stood up and fought for two young ex army medics if the FBI had broken down the family's front door in Billings?  Is geography dictating your defense of our civil rights?

It would be nice of you were less cowardly, there is still time for you to make the change necessary to be a true civil liberties leader, because we are going to need that kind of leadership.  And that's who I and my family will support in the next election.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Art of War

Know your enemy.  When Sun Tsu said this, he was likely thinking of an enemy outside his close society.  But it makes sense for those who seek to destroy your society from within as well.  The FBI had better come out with the goods bc simply questioning election integrity and looking hard at it does not make an insurrection.  We  have witnessed true government terror in the last 2 years of this Administration, and it is going to get worse.  You mat not be at war with your government, but it is at war with you.

When you try to shut down, intimidate, or silence an entire segment of your society, you have thrown off the Liberal mantel and moved solidly into the totalitarian camp.  The Communists are winning this battle, but it will be the American citizens who will need to win the war.  The Communists are showing their hand, which is refreshing, in a way.  Perhaps now, the people will wake up and see the real agenda of the Left, totalitarian rule.

The Left has now gifted itself the power, in the form of money dumped into the IRS coffers, to terrorize small businesses across America.  If you support Conservative candidates, my suspicion is that you will be audited.  Being a Conservative will become a crime.  Will it make people less inclined to support Conservative policies?  My guess is that anything that involves government terror will result in capitulation.  Americans are not used to war, of any kind.  But this is a new society with Leftists at the helm.  Be smart, move somewhere where the sheriff supports you.  This war is engaged, and you are living in a society where half of the US population is being attacked and the other half is living large.  

The real lesson to be learned here is that the war is at hand.  The Administrative State is controlled by people drunk on power.  If you are a "Liberal" and you are saying, "No, the Leftists are doing great, the DOJ, FBI and other alphabet agencies are working within the letter of the law, I will refer you to the Minnesota family that has been tortured by the FBI since they visited the Capitol on January 6th. Their story is shocking.  4am FBI raids, broken down front doors, raids on a home when parents were not present.  Even the neighbors in this small town are horrified.  The two boys and their Dad used police shields to shield those giving aide to Roseann Boyland from noxious gassed on Jan 6th and they are treated like serial killers.  Now on trial in DC, these folks are refusing to settle with the government and they are showing the rest of America how to fight.  Sun Tsu would have been proud; the rest of us should take heed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Sri Lanka

In 1976, Spokane, WA hosted the World's Fair.  It was a big deal and the idea behind it was Recycling and Environmental Care.  The Fair had an impact on my life.  We saw movies about the huge amounts of garbage that humans produce.  That was the time when the commercial with the Indian man shedding a tear over the highway lined with garbage aired to a nation who previously had thought little about the destruction of our environment.  I have always recycled as much as humanly possible to avoid burying plastics in my landfill.  But when the science of Global Climate "change" was co-opted by the Left, my skepticism rose.  One good sunspot, or blast from a neutron star will take this planet out, and, no matter what we do as a species to "save" our planet, we will not likely affect it's existence in the cosmos.  

There are things we CAN do, like recycle, look at packaging and regulations or laws that require us to lessen our impact on the environment of packaging in our Capitalist society.  But when you bring forward policies that will hurt the working poor first and the political Elite last, I have a problem with that.  

The Sri Lankan Prime Minister, pressured by the World Economic Council, a bunch of Elitist snobs who couldn't care LESS about the working person in lower class Sri Lanka, banned the use of chemical fertilizers (oil as the primary input) in the farming industry; immediatly after the ban, many farmers went out of business because what is the point when crops won't grow or pests eat crops prior to harvest?  The result of the Elitist "We Know Better" World Economic Development Council has been to starve a country and drive it's people to attack their government.  Granted, the Sri Lankan government also borrowed a boatload of money from China and did some other stupid things, but the reason they are hungry has little to do with debt and a lot to do with food.  Having listened to the Elitist Left on both farming and Debt, the Prime Minister is now in hiding while his constituents defecate in his pool.  

And now, off to America where Elitist Leftist policies that have worked literally nowhere are creating a USA dependent on its enemies for its energy.  And if you believe that FJB is off trying to get the price of oil down, I've got some beautiful property in Glendive, MT for you.  We are witnessing chaos from implementation of Green New Deal policies and soon we will all think $100 fill-ups are normal, and not so bad.  That is the goal.  Yeah!  Let's do that here because, we're different.  We have technologies that will allow us to save the planet. Oh, right, Sri Lanka had those technologies, too, and they are now starving.  

Are we sick and tired yet of political lackies who have no love of country, much less the God it was founded under? They are their own gods now.  If you believe this global warming crap, you're drinking some powerful kool-aid.  It's time for the other half of our country to wake the hell up before our country resembles Sri Lanka, Germany with their rolling blackouts, or the Favelas of Sao Paolo.  Oops, too late, San Francisco is already there.  

Is this the country you want, Democrats?  Fentanel permeating our society clearly flowing over our wide-open border?  Corruption rampant in our Federal Government far surpassing any so-called collusion that Trump the Boy Scout compared to Joe Biden ever did?  It blows my mind to watch the destruction of our country.  It is such sad thing.  China had only to purchase a corrupt political party, help to steal an election, something we must never, ever discuss, and they have defacto control.  The only thing saving us from outright takeover will be our 2nd ammendment which is under attack by the corrupt who put forth policies which make no common sense.  

I have some older Democrats in my life who still believe their party is the same moderate Blue-Dog Democrat Party of the 80s.  If that party were still in power, the border would be controlled and running w the same efficiency as any other government agency ever does, and we would not have terrorists, foreign nationals from 98 countries and every South American crossing our border without any form of real tracking.  But they are not alone.  They have help from the Bilderberg contingent, i.e., Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi.  Trump was far too independent for their tastes, so he must be destroyed.  Yesterday, they went so far as to drag out a protester from J6 who is undoubtedly being told he will spend his next 10 years in jail for doing little more than "parading" in the Capitol unless he says exactly what they want him to say.  In other words, the Trump-derranged will not stop until they have convinced the sheeple who still watch MSNBC that he was "unhinged" by an election that was clearly stolen.  And, yes, 55% of the people who care in this country think that the Democrats stole this election.  I know that's not popular with the political Elite, but I don't give a flying fuck, so I'm glad Trump was a little unhinged, if he hadn't been, he wouldn't have been human.  So, Democrats who think you know everything, there is sufficient evidence from all quarters to believe that this election was stolen, and, frankly, we all should have shown up on J6 with weapons and thrown every damn one of those politically corrupt politicians out on their asses.  But, we didn't.  We protested peacefully, and this is what we get:  sham committee after sham committee telling lies and gaslighting the American people until madness depends upon our country.  I can't wait for Nov 2022, but I'm guessing they'll find more ways to cheat and, if not, they will start planning for the Big Cheat in 2024.  

At this point, Conservatives are running to the hills to escape the madness to the tune of 800 per month in Missoula County alone.  The old red diaper dopers will continue to deceive themselves until the Chinese Army takes away their pot pipes and throws them into camps.  Gotta love this Liberal New World Order!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Men in Robes

It is important to understand what Roe v Wade IS and what it is NOT.  It was SUPPOSED to be the end to the abortion debate; put to rest forever.  Has it done that?  No.  But the Left wants no discussion about any but it's own opinion: abortion on demand until birth.  And they think that is good law?

We approach the adjudication of law as a moral people with police powers.  This is not the same as what the Supreme Court does which is to decode law based on the Constitution.  Yet, the Left, who, most of the time, hates our Constitution and wants it gone, relies so heavily on it here that we have had 40 years of crappy law.  States fight constantly in the confines of poorly written law to keep abortion factories from full-scale operation where baby parts are sold for sums of money and women have a "fall-back" option should they forget to use contraception in the heat of the moment.  Now, that fallback option will be limited by state legislatures.  

According to the Liberal Alan Dertchowitz, Dodd was the wrong case with which to grapple w Roe.  It should have been another case, further down the road, he argues.  Meanwhile in Florida, they passed a law that abortion will not be legal after the 15th week.  This, of course, would have been challenged with the Left's seemingly unending resources.  Would that have been the right decision to challenge Roe for Dr. Derschowitz?  What the good Dr. Derschowitz forgets is that his Party has threatened to pack the court.  With that threat hanging over the justices, Sam Alito  knew that it was time.  

Some people liken abortion to cosmetic surgery, others, the murder of a baby, no matter the view of it, it is a moral question, and in our Constitution, moral questions belong with the States.  As much as the Left would love to have the Kings at the SCOTUS decide the fate of abortion in America, we cannot codify every moral question in the law of the land.  Some of these important questions are meant to be discussed, debated, and legislated as close to the people as possible.  

Aristotle argues that there is some good in all voluntary actions. Is abortion good? My thought is that it can be good, but primarily, it is not.  Whatever happened to "safe and rare?" Roe did not give us Safe and Rare, it gave us body parts for sale.  Safe and Rare will, I'm certain, except in NY and CA, be the norm with the debate held by the State legislators.  I contend that a large majority of the people in the US believe that abortion should be a safe option available to a pregnant woman up to 12/15 weeks.  That will be the outcome of the Supreme Court's dastardly reversal of Roe in most states.

But the Communist Left doesn't care about reasonable, debated, locally considered laws that limit abortion to 12-15 weeks.  I contend that Abortion is yet another point of division the Communist uses to create political chasms in American society.  

The Left will not be there for you years later when you grapple as an adult with a decision to abort your child at Sixteen.  They don't care.  What could the Left possibly care about in this fight?  

They care about Black people.  Nope.  The founder of Planned Parenthood's stated strategy was to decrease the entry into this world of Black people because she was a racist.   I'm sure PP now downplays the Margaret Sanger agenda, but the fact is that she has been successful beyond her wildest dreams.  

The Left cares that women should control all decisions about their own bodies.  You have simply to look at the Left's reaction to Covid 19 to realize that isn't true.  The Left led the charge to shame, fire, and cancel those who chose not to take the Covid vaccine.  But the Left has never prided itself on consistent, logical behavior.

When the Kings who are Supreme Court justices upheld Roe for years on end, the Left lifted them up, beatified them.  But now, with careful consideration of what most scholars, including the tenacious Ruth Bader Ginsburg, believed was poorly written law that created a right to privacy out of whole cloth during the commission of what eventually results in the termination of life, the Left HATES the Kings.  They chant slogans, burn down Pregnancy help centers and generally throw a tantrum, but that's OK with their media friends because they are justified in their emotional outburst according to the "journalists" at CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS, not to mention Politico, the Huffington Post and The Daily Beast.  This decision to throw the moral question of abortion back to the people, or the "States," takes away a right, according to these "journalists," and when has a right that was given ever been taken away in our looong history of 248 years, they scream.  

Hmm.  I can think of several examples of the SCOTUS reversing wrong-headed decisions: slavery being the most obvious.  But we live in a time when our history means little but a reference to whatever supports one's cause whether it is true or not.  We are not REALLY supposed to look hard at history, unless it is to say that Jefferson, Franklin, etc., meant "musket" when referring to an "armed" populace.  The Left uses 'history" when it suits their purpose and never particularly well.

If we give our Federal Government powers not enumerated in the Constitution, it may someday abuse those powers.  The recent Covid experience where the Executive abused its powers by relying on OSHA regulations to require people to show up to work vaccinated or lose their jobs is an excellent example.  Imagine that one day, and it could be very close at hand, your Federal Government  requires that you get an abortion if you already have a child.   The Left never thinks about the Federal Government that abuses its powers as long as their narrative is safely supported.  But those who care about freedom do think about it.  I hope that the decision to reverse Roe v Wade will preserve our freedoms for a little while longer in this very scary world.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Sex Communists

 The Left wants to sexualize your children.  They are telling you this loud and clear.  This is no longer about gender identity, this is about the control the Leftist will exert over your child's sexual identity.  It is wrong. It is not a Teacher's job to become sex counselors to children in grade school.  Teachers have no training in sex counseling and, frankly, would you trust your child's counseling on sex or any other subject to your school's counselor?  We must stand against Hollywood, Blackrock-influenced Corporations, and major news outlets.  I say, Straight, Straight, Straight!  Screw Gay-baiting Communists.  I'm done with them and their social influencing.  It's time for the rise of the Straights back to the pinnacle of our society.  

Families are the cornerstone of any healthy, growing society.  Throughout history, governments have given incentives to the traditional family to promote its development.  They were not homophobes, they were practical.  Nobody gives a damn if you are gay, bisexuality, frankly, any one's sexual proclivities are nothing that interests me until you try to influence my child.  I grew up during the early Seventies when my school stressed color blind behavior and acceptance of all lifestyles.  I had a sexual education class in 5th grade that focused on anatomy and heterosexual sex.  It was not unusual to hear, in my world, about same-sex couples and though it didn't interest me, I also developed no long-lasting, deep-seated hatred for homosexuals.  It was a time when acceptance was the norm and the color of your skin was far less important than imagination, innovation, recycling, and earth-centered ideas.  1972 Spokane World's Fair was all about re-using materials, revising packaging, and developing new ways to think about how humans affect their environment.

I did not begin to fear or loath militant homosexuals until 1986 when I ran into a lesbian in San Diego at a political protest who told me, in no uncertain terms, that, "We're coming after your Babies & they will all be gay by the time we're done."  Can you imagine if I had told her that, "I'm coming after all you queers and I'm going to turn you straight?"  This was my first introduction to the Communist, power-hungry, militant Homosexual lobby and you can include in that group the NAMBLA folks who are the "Men and Young Boys" lobby.  They make no bones about the fact that they support the normalization of grown men having sex with young boys.  If this were all between consenting adults, I would have no issues with these people, but that is not their intent.  They are talking about sex with YOUNG boys who do not have a developed sexuality.  If you read their rather shocking literature, they seek to convert young boys to the life of subservience to an older man.  Nope.  Not kidding.

It is my contention that the normalization of militant queer behavior will lead to the downfall of our society.  There is clearly no progeny created in these types of relationships (easily), and, for those who are caught up in this web of radical behavior, there is the distinct possibility of subjugating those who may develop normal heterosexual family life to the mad, mad world of the radical gays.  I don't care about those who are physically predisposed to be homosexual; I support their human need for same sex relationships.  I even support a gay couple's need for family and children.  I was not raised in a Biblical household, though my mother later joined the Orthodox Church in America, my childhood allowed for the acceptance of non-traditional lifestyles.  

But our family also saw the devastation that comes from gender confusion and the horror of a life ruined by trying to live two lifestyles and failing at both.  Sometimes, people just need love, no matter where it comes from and perhaps the genitalia and how it plays a part in the relationship should be far less important than commraderie, support, family, and acceptance.  

My grandmother once said that she wished the 70-year old mind could be implanted for a day in the 21-year old body.  She said her perspective on life was so much more clear as an older human and that hormones should not rule the day in life decisions.  Wise woman.

We cannot allow those who are seeking only power to rule the day in our society.  Do you honestly believe that these groups who want to sexualize your children really care about those children?  When that child approaches puberty as a gender-confused, hormonal-affected human, do you think the Liberal will be there to pick up the pieces of a broken soul?  Not hardly.  They move on to their next fear-inducing, power-grabbing idea and your child will be left alone with no support other than their possibly estranged family to deal with the ramifications of the queer, mulri-partner lifestyle.

What if your child is simply shy?  What if they just need love and they find it momentarily in the arms of the same sex, but if given the support and love of a community, a church, a strong family, they would have chosen a traditional heterosexual relationship with children and grand children in later years?  Should our society promote the gay lifestyle in a time when we so desperately need traditional families to thrive in our world?  I'm not talking about the obvious gay person.  I'm talking about those who could be "turned" at vulnerable times in their lives, but that would be happier in a traditional family environment.  If you think that the Liberal Communist who now seeks power through fear-mongering in our society will be there to pick up the pieces of your child's life after years of wasting time in a non-traditional relationship when they should have gotten married and had kids, you would be wrong.  THEY DONT CARE.

These power hungry people are fear mongers and hate-promoters who care nothing for your child accept to use them to call you a homophobe and create division in our society.

Long live the Heterosexual.  Down with the militant Gay Lobby.  We need FAMILIES!  We need children who grow up, get married and have children and if a small percentage of our society does otherwise, fine.  I am not here to hate on them; but I AM here to support our society and it's culture that has grown and thrived with largely heterosexual families.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Nuclear Winter

The reticence to project power because of fear of Russian nuclear reprisal by my favorite Conservative commentators (Bongino, Kelly) surprises me.  Maybe because I grew up in the generation before them, I am more resigned to the end of our world via nuclear destruction.  But I know that I wouldn't stand by as innocent, freedom loving people who less than two weeks ago were living peacefully are now are on the edge of annihilation.  It's probably good that I am not in charge because there would have been no build up on the Ukranian border.  THAT was the time for sanctions, not now when there is a genocide taking place.  Now is the time that WE drop a bomb on Moscow and to hell with his nuclear arsenal which probably doesn't work anyways.  In fact, I would have mobilized most of our army and marines, just to keep them sharp and get them out of "woke" classes where they learn acceptable pronouns; but my main assault would have been airforce.  I would have used drones to wipe out troops all the way into Crimea, then I would have brought in the clean-up crew.  

But instead, Putin will now own a piece of land that he will have to populate because he's killed all the civilians.  I hope he chokes on it.  And we will all be in no less danger than before with a madman still in control of Nukes.  How is that the correct decision?  

We will defend NATO but not Ukraine?  What difference is there between these two scenarios if Putin is not scared of us at all?  He will March through Poland and re-take Germany and we will all shiver and shake that he might use nuclear weapons?  That has always been a risk!  He might set them off accidentally, for Christ's Sake!  We LIVE in a world that will likely end in nuclear winter!  Some of us have been prepared all our lives for this eventuality.  I for one, am not willing to sacrifice a bunch of Orthodox Christians due to fear of nuclear reprisal.  I don't care.  We live within that world of fear and I am not willing to sacrifice entire populations because of that fear.  Sorry, Dan Bongino, Sorry Jesse Kelly, but we cannot live in fear of nuclear destruction.  MAD is supposed to allow us to make decisions free from  that fear.  If he launches nuclear missiles, Russia will no longer exist because we will destroy it, and it is my contention that we will be in a better place without Putin than with him even if we have to nuke Russia and risk being nuked ourselves.  I am not afraid.  You should not be afraid either.

You both are in places where you'll fry immediately.  We live in a place where we may survive the horrors, so I'm a little envious, but I am not scared.  If we run this world from a position of fear, we will always lose.  In fact, we may as well hand the US over to the Communists right now because with this President, we will project only fear and appeasement.  Why bother?  Just invite them in because if we are afraid now, we will be doubly afraid when he threatens Europe.  It is time to reject fear, trust in the Universe, thank God for many good years, and start acting like the Home of the Brave.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Do You Feel Uncomfortable?

As you watch the destruction of a Christian civil society by a madman, are you feeling a little "on edge," a little uncomfortable?  I know I am.  What is wrong with this wanton destruction and destabilization of Eastern Europe?  What should we be feeling as leaders in world civil society?  Damn crappy, that's what we should be feeling.  Why bother being the big military power in the world if we can't save a bunch of Ukranians from a madman?  Yeah, that's a tough one, but, of course, it has a little to do with current American leadership.  

Our Democrat political leadership is the wrong leadership at the wrong time to save Eastern Europe.  Oh, you think Putin just wants Ukraine?  No.  He wants all of Eastern Europe.  Hopefully, Ukraine will stick in his craw, but of he does manage to roll over Ukraine, and let's be clear, he has the firepower to do just that, he will set his sites on the remainder of Eastern Europe and I'm guessing, he'll take this opportunity in the form of weak American leadership to do just that.  NATO may gather itself in time to save Eastern Europe, you never know, miracles have happened, but if he's smart, he'll do it all before the US midterm elections when we may get a Senate and Congress with enough gumption to stop him.

Our response as a world is not about Ukraine, it's about all civil societies in our world in the sites of Communist dictators.  Taiwan, where I purchase at least 50% of my goods for sale is next.  In fact, it wouldn't surprise me one little bit if that invasion started tomorrow.  What will the response of the West be then?

We have exactly the wrong leadership at exactly the wrong time in world history and that they cheated to get there annoys the hell out of me.  What we've got, instead of clear-headed, unpredictable strength, is weak-minded, compromised, feckless, and dangerous leaders in both the White House and the military.  

While our military focuses on gender pronoun training (and the Communists are laughing their asses off, guarateed), we have ship fires that don't get reported for 10 minutes, collisions, infiltration by Muslim extremists and, in general, woke behavior from military leaders that will end up killing thousands of military enlisted.  But we'll make sure to call our Chinese captors by their correct pronouns.  

What an utter debacle we have in the US Military right now.  There is nothing worse than having a weak military in the face of naked aggression, but that is our current situation, so with the announcement yesterday of a contract on Zalinski's life by Russia, it may be time to do what we do best and send special forces in to take out Putin, or assist Ukraine in the operation.  Zalinski once told Biden that he didn't need a ride out of his country, he needed more weapons!  

Americans don't understand why this plucky gentleman would give up his life for his country because we've been teaching our children to hate our country for that last 30 years. This is what love of country looks like, Democrats.  It's admirable, and the world's reaction to this gentleman's courage speaks volumes about what courage inspires in the human heart. So, when that is crushed by a far superior force, what will we do?  Will we simply return to our comfortable lives and act as though everything is OK?  I hope not.

Locking the Front Door at Night

Every night, after my husband is already snoring, I carefully check that my front door deadbolt is set to locked, then I check the back door, usually feeling my way in the dark.  I don't live in a dangerous neighborhood, but I do live near the 93 corridor and from what I am reading, I might as well live on the southern border.  

Our country is our home.  We live here.  We go to stores, schools, parks, and sporting events, and in Montana, we hike and bike in our National Forests.  We protect our homes, from criminals, mixed up strangers, and the occasional sales person.  We have rules in our household.  People call before they arrive, we have a security system largely comprised of fire arms and we guard our home like the sanctuary it is.  If we didnt care, we'd leave the doors wide open, take the locks off the doors, and anyone and everyone could access our inner sanctuary.  But we do care, because we live here.  

Apparently, that same care we have for our home is not shared by the Biden administration.  We're now approaching 180,000 illegal immigrants from more than 140 countries that have entered our home since Jan 20, 2021.  These are people who do not share the love of country that we grew up with.  These are people who can now vote in Seattle, NYC, and other metropolitan areas.  A good percentage of these people are bringing fentanel or the will to sell it to our streets.  The homeless that fill our cities and towns are often the result.  

A sheriff in Texas described his experience w the current administration as if, on Jan 20, 2021, the Biden Administration left the room, turned off the lights and shut their minds to caring about our massive, porous southern border.  Where this sherrif had visited the White House and met w Trump more than 10 times during the past 4 years, where Trump had personally asked him what he needed to keep Americans safe, where the Trump administration had asked for advice about the ability to do the job, in direct contrast, the new administration shut off the lights, left the door wide open, and left the room.  

Why should we care?  Well, honestly, I'm not sure anymore.  If 50% of this country thinks this is a good idea, maybe we should let the world in through the wide-open front door, because the Democrats sure as hell don't want to love and protect their own home anymore.  

Thank God for the intrepid men and women of the border patrol who have not given up.  Though dispirited, with no support from the Federal government, they continue to battle the mules, drug smugglers, human traffickers, and criminal element that is flooding into this country.  

They may not be living next to you, but take a good look around.  I listened to a bunch of gentlemen in Walmart the other day as they walked in a group around the store.  They were talking about what they could buy or not buy and then, I thought they were talking about clothing. The word is "ropa," but what they were saying was "roba," what they could steal.  We've given them a place to live in our tent city, now they will steal what they need. 

Will we continue to devalue our civil society to give Democrats more votes?  Probably.  Because Liberals in this country have taken the pill and they are buying the Democrat/Communist argument that these foreigners should be allowed to simply walk in our front door, enjoy the fruits of our labors and, hell, sit down in our favorite comfy chairs, raid the fridge and watch what they want on our TVs because what?  The Liberals feel sorry for them?  Screw that.  

It's time to fight for our way of life.  It's time to use our voices to protect our homes.  Because if we don't use our voices now, we'll be using our guns later.