Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Totalitarian Tester

Why should you vote for Matt Rosendale?  I'll tell you why:  Matt Rosendale will go to Washington D.C. and vote like a Conservative. 

John Tester, on the other hand, will vote exactly how his masters, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, tell him to.  Now, he may not be completely under their thumb, but NOBODY can take the kind of money he's taken from the Democrat machine and not be beholden in some way, shape, or form.  Senators from this state may go to DC saying they'll buck the money guys, but after 12 years, they are bought and paid for, at least Tester is.  NO ONE should be in DC that long and I firmly support Convention of States and the term limits supported therein.

Just look at what our Senator said about Ron Jackson when Trump suggested the unlikely candidate for head of the Veteran's Administration.  Dear Lord, the crap he spewed about the long-time white house doctor was diabolical.  Using heresay stories to impune the character of a man who has served our country through multiple administrations, Tester did the bidding of his masters and smeared the good doctor until he was forced to resign.  Close friends say that Admiral Jackson could not defend himself because it would have involved revealing classified information and he was not willing to do that OR to put his family through the hell that we clearly see the Left is willing to rain down upon any Trump nomination.  So, there again we see clearly that John Tester is willing to smear his political enemies and in the process exhibit his clear lack of moral character. 

No longer are those politicians on the Left like John Tester willing to battle their political opponents on the issues, instead, Tester takes the easy way out choosing the much easier smear tactics usually reserved for use by campaign lackeys.  Tester isn't afraid, it seems, to personally smear his opponents.  Take the Eagle Crest development, for example, and the spurious commercial "approved" by Tester that accuses his opponent of building faulty foundations and calling Rosendale a "fraud." Impuning his opponents character with outright lies apparently doesn't trouble John Tester one bit.  Here is a quote from one of the lawyers representing the defendents in the Eagle Crest development case, "I deposed Matt Rosendale, and I found him to be somebody well prepared for deposition and someone who is on the up and up and ethical,” Stephanie Oblander said, adding his company provided the necessary information to contractors. The Great Falls Tribune story continues, 'Oblander, a supporter of Rosendale who said she was critical of Tester, said she was an attorney in two of the lawsuits in which Eagles Crossing, an entity owned by Rosendale, prevailed in 2015 and 2016.  She said Eagles Crossing was vindicated in the two lawsuits that decided developer duty. She believes the ad is unfair.'  Huh, so, once again, Tester is willing to impune the character of his opponent with outright lies and half-truths. I'm thinking the head of the Crow tribe may have Tester figured out which may account for his change in support from Tester to Rosendale. 

I could write several more pages of crap spewed forth by the Tester campaign and John Tester himself, but we have already established his willingness to smear, so let's look instead at Tester's record in the Senate.  The moderately conservative Democrat from Montana who supports gun rights, small business, and economic policies that help the people of Montana disappears when he arrives in Washington DC.  Instead, the life of relative luxury in his big ol house in DC kicks in and he forgets all about those relatively conservative promises he made to get elected in a relatively conservative state.  Instead, he heads out to his favorite DC restaurants and joins his Leftist buddies drinking and laughing at the rubes in Montana who sent him there.  It's time for this guy to be put back out to pasture, and my guess?  He doesn't return to Montana except to visit, instead choosing the high life as a K Street lobbyist just like hundreds of other Senators whose voters finally figured them out. 

So, when you're thinking that maybe those ads claiming Rosendale is some lackey for insurance companies might have validity, take a gander at John Tester's Federal Election Commission webpage and check out the massive dollars being funneled into Tester's campaign by, yep, you guessed it, big insurance companies (the really big ones who got to sit in on the closed-door meetings with Harry Reid during the so-called Affordble Care Act "negotiations," and what is even more disheartening, every Democrat, Socialist, Leftist group on this earth has contributed to Tester's $15,000,000 war chest.  Hop on over to Rosendale's FEC page and you'll find that the reason you're hearing 4-to-1 Tester ads is likely due to the less than 5 million that Rosendale has at his disposal to defend himself against the constant attacks leveled against him day and night in one of the most expensive campaigns of all time.

They are concerned, folks, because in a state where Trump won by 20 points, they know that there are Republicans who must be supporting Tester and they are scared to death that those Republicans might just wake the hell up and vote with the President in this election.  So, take a HARD look at the claims that John Tester is making with all that money, and THINK about why it is VITAL to the U.S. at this point in time that Montanans term limit their 12-year Senator and send a Conservative to support our President to do the Conservative things that we know are true and good like banning this ridiculous sanctuary city/state movement, protecting our sovereign borders, continuing to support economic development by cutting taxes and lowering government spending (well, hopefully THIS time around anyway), supporting Liberty through sound fiscal policy, and finally, voting the Conservative values that are strong in America's Last Best Place.  Support Rosendale for U.S. Senate and increase the Conservative Caucus' numbers because Conservatives know full well, they are the only representatives we can count on in this crazy political climate.  Now, go vote your Conservative values!

Linlee Nelson
Small Business Owner
Missoula, MT

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Do We Due Process? Or Don't We?

When I was in high school (Judge Kavanaugh would have been in my graduating class), I remember being educated in my health class about what to do in the case of rape.  A local woman police officer came to our class and talked to us about what was necessary in law enforcement in order to bring a successful case against a rapist. 

 It was shocking; shocking that we had to go to the hospital first, that this thing called a "rape kit" with semen samples and vaginal fluids would be collected, that pictures would be taken, immediately, in order to see bruises in the vaginal area before they disappear.  I remember thinking that it would be like being raped all over again.  This is what women do every day in our country; they "suck it up," get rape kits and go through unadulterated hell, again, in order to bring their rapist to justice. 

 I remember thinking that it was monumentally unfair that a woman, who had just been violated, would have to be violated all over again in order to put her attacker behind bars. This is one of the reasons that women are different, why they deserve support, why I belong to an organization that supports them, because women have an extra burden in our society and in our system of justice, a burden that men do not have.   In order to bring a rapist to justice, women have to endure hell, again. 

Due process is one of those foundational concepts in a society that depends on the rule of law. Should we put it aside for women who come forward many, many years later? Should we give the benefit of doubt to the accuser? The burden is an awesome one. And what if the woman has an agenda? Are we to believe that women cannot lie?  

_;The statistics cited for false accusations are ambiguous and indeterminate.  For instance, most sources cite that as much as 10% of accusations of rape are proven false and that of those, a very tiny percentage result in jail time for the accused.  It's good that a tiny percentage are falsely imprisoned, but imprisonment is not the only result that can ruin the accused.  Just the accusation made by a woman who has no record of suspicious behavior is enough to result in lost job opportunities, broken marriages and the types of things that happen in cases where one's reputation is destroyed.  The statistic that may be more interesting is the number of accusers who spend time in jail for falsely accusing someone which I am guessing is roughly equivalent to the number of those who spend time in jail after being falsely accused. Neither of these numbers help us in our search for truth and justice.  Simply citing a statistic and claiming that 9 out of 10 women are telling the truth and that makes false accusation OK is like saying that 9 out of 10 murderers are lying about not killing someone, so the person who says they didn't kill someone is a murderer.  A low percentage chance of a false accusation is not a good defense of the accusers' believability.  That's 1 out of 10, and that's enough for me to look for corroborating evidence.  I no more want to convict an innocent person of murder than I want to convict an innocent man of rape. Percentage chances are lousy determinative factors; they are what they are: percentage chances, not evidentiary proof.

There are women on social media right this minute saying that they don't care, that men deserve to lose their jobs, their families, and that those who are prosecuted unjustly should just "get over it."  Statements that separate the men in our lives from us as if it is always someone else's man who will be accused are unrealistic and reckless.  Most women don't exist separately from the men in their lives: their fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons. We love them, we care for them, and we receive love and support from them.  So, making statements that "men deserve it," or that we don't "care" what happens to them are idiotic and sexist, in the worst possible way.

Women every day, in business and in the criminal justice system depend on due process in their own lives.  If we throw due process under the bus, we will ;become a dictatorial country where, I can assure my readers, women are not treated well.  Ask women in Venezuela or Estonia where they would rather reside, in a country where the rule of law is respected or a country where you can be accused and convicted in the same sentence?  

After listening to an emotionally devastated Judge Kavanaugh list the many women who testified on his behalf, I believe that those who come forward saying things like, "I believe Dr. Ford," are not being intellectually honest.  Judge Kavanaugh deserves to have our Senators consider the preponderance of the evidence.  Those who follow the Chuck Schumer playbook will exclaim that they don't believe a Judge who has kept a calendar from 36 years ago and has submitted a letter from 65 women through all walks of his life who have testified to his non-violent nature.  Those people are not weighing the evidence without bias.  They are letting the Democrat playbook determine their vote.  

Dr. Ford has offered no supporting evidence in the form of corroborating testimony or written journals.  The people she claims were near or in the room have submitted written testimony that they were not there and the event did not take place.  The Democrats are demanding an FBI investigation, of course. What, exactly, is the FBI going to investigate?  They would take statements from Judge Kavanaugh (and would likely give him a high degree of credibility due to his long record of service free from accusation), and they would take statements from Ms. Ford.  The FBI would not take the lie detector testimony into consideration.  Mr. Judge has already submitted his testimony.  The FBI would take the testimony, fill out the 302 forms and send them back up to the committee.  If the Democrats honestly cared about the truth, they would have insisted on investigating these claims when they received Dr. Ford's letter many months ago.  It could have been done in closed session, privately, saving Dr. Ford from unpleasant confrontations.  But I think the Democrats were looking for political theater and they have gotten it, in spades.

The Judiciary Committee is performing the very same "investigation" that the FBI would perform and there is no conclusion because they cannot come to one based on Dr. Ford's testimony.  The FBI, as Joe Biden has famously declared, does not "make conclusions," so Sen. Durbin's theatrics as he asks Mr. Kavanaugh to turn to his left and ask a lawyer there to begin an FBI investigation is just that, theatrics. Theatrics in the face of emotional testimony on both sides where lives are being changed are despicable, but that is  typical for Senator Durbin who faithfully carries the party line and has not let an original thought cross his mind in many years.  

If we are going to destroy people's lives with no evidence, we are a country that will believe anything.  Will we no longer require that women provide rape kits as supporting evidence, or file police reports, or document the incident in a journal or tell their best friend, no matter the difficulty?  If we no longer require evidence, we set ourselves up for the worst kind of division.  False accusers will be able to level charges against your father, my brother, your son, and my dad without having to do the hard work required to make sure that evidence is collected and the accused gets his day in court.

The hard work of collecting evidence may not be popular with the women who write emotional stories about long-ago assaults, but it is vital to those who are serious about convicting violent offenders.  Due process is necessary and needed in a world where women must be taken seriously when they provide painful testimony, go through the process required to provide rape kits to a judge or jury, and show incredible bravery in testifying against someone who has harmed them physically.  We NEED due process and I, for one, support the rule of law.  

Are we to throw out due process because women are psychologically damaged and because they are damaged, they don't report?  This kind of accusation, if it is taken seriously by our political bodies, creates division between those in our society who believe in the rule of law and those who believe that there need be no evidence to prove assault, not to mention the division it will create between men and women!  Women have asked to be treated as equals in our society, but now we are asking for something more, to be believed no matter the situation.  We are asking for a special status, and for what?  For politics?  I don't believe that it gives our gender an advantage to request special status.  It might bring some women immediate gratification as men are trotted off to jail, but in the end, it will harm us by dividing us.

We can now expect, on both sides of the isle, to see a parade of accusers come forward with baseless accusations from 36 years ago in order to have their political "way" with the confirmation of judges.  Our courts should not be subject to this drama. I've heard women I respect say that coming forward 36 years later is "not political" and that claim is not based in reality.  Of course it's political: it's part of how we exist in our society and how we live within a society that is based on the rule of law.  

I will support women who do the hard work of collecting evidence and testifying under terrible pressure, but I will not support women who come forward 36 years after a drunken house party that never told anyone, never reported it to the police and never did the hard work. Testimony like Dr. Ford's diminishes the efforts of women who are, as we speak, doing the hard work to make the case against their attackers in our nation of laws.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Obama's Scandals are Coming Home to Roost

Those of you who know me understand that I am a Conservative, have been since I wrote my first paper in high school about the book by Alexander Solzhenitsyn entitled "Day in the Life of Ivan Dinesovich." 

Well, I'm floored.  The Obama administration was so completely corrupt, lying about crucial issues, this last one a real doozy.  The Obama administration "assured" Republicans again and again that Iran would not have access to the American banking system, but they outright lied.  And this was all to avoid what?  Outrage by the Right?  It certainly wasn't to gain support for a treaty because there was no treaty, and Obama knew that this farse would never have passed the Senate.  But I bet old Bob Corker, head Republican moron, would have changed his tune. 

Obama proudly brags that there were no scandals in his administration.   That's because his administration WAS a scandal.  From "deeming" a rotton, behind-closed-doors "negotiated" ACA to battlefield rules of engagement that have a patriotic army lietenant serving a 20 year sentence, to the outrage of sending spies into the Trump campaign after sweeping Hillary Clinton's many lies and evations under the FBI's politically influenced rug of protection, it is no wonder that Democrats like Doug Shoen are questioning the party leadership. 

The Democrat Party, under Barack Obama's leadership is a radical version of it's former self.  A Democrat Party once Pro-Abortion, pro-big government has turned into a party of multicultural open borders, government funding of just about anything, and a serious tilt toward socialism.  Any resemblance to the Democrat Party of JFK is gone. 

Most Americans don't follow politics enough to care.  They have a general idea of how they want to live their lives, what they believe in and what the party they support believes in.  But while they are comfortably living in a society undergirded by free market capitalism, they are free to dabble in the oxymoronic democratic socialism that so many activists hold close to their hearts.  No such thing exists, of course, because a socialist society is, by definition, one in which the means of production is controlled by the state.  But they continue to argue that we can have some kind of hybrid, where capital is freely exchanged, the means of production are still privately controlled, but the state has it's fingers in the pie to "protect" the public interests.  And, in fact, that's what we currently have.

I do not accept this hybrid as democratic socialism because it's not even close and the more we allow the state to control the means of production, the closer we move to socialism.  There IS NO democratic socialism because the tipping point results in Socialism and Socialism results in state control of more than just the means of production because human nature is what it is.  The great philosophers knew that once a social institution gains central power, they don't relinquish it, and the argument for democracy through the centuries has been fought again and again.  But we don't teach the great philosophers anymore.  If anyone reads Marx it's because they are taking Political Philosophy in college. And in those classrooms, Marx is revered for a system of control that my father (PhD Sociology) believes would work but that I believe has been shown, miserably, to fail. 

As Ivan Dinesovich dug marks into his cell wall, he contemplated the social construct that resulted in his confinement and found it lacking in human Liberty.  We give great powers to our political leaders and the rule of law is divided when those leaders are corrupt which leads us to a system where a Navy Corporal sits in jail for taking pictures on his submarine while his Secretay of State runs an unsecure server, wipes out thousands of emails, erases the hard drive with Bleachbit and destroys cell phones with hammers and runs for President, fully protected by a politically supportive justice department.

Obama's scandals are very real and myriad.  If life were fair, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Rod Rosenstein, Jim Comey, James Clapper and John Brennan would be carving dates into the rock walls of their cold, damp cells and enjoying the fruits of a system they so love during their long days working on collectivist farms. 

Sunday, February 25, 2018



Yeah, I'm talking to you moronic 17-year old victims out there being bussed to your marches by George Soros or any other socialist, leftist wackjobs that eat up your ignorance and rush to display it on screens across the world.  You are ignoramuses who are using a tragedy to hand your rights away.  It seems silly, now, to say, "you will regret it," when I hear the voices of opposition rising in a fever pitch of whiney sensationalism: "How can you support selling military-style assault rifles to young, impressionable, possibly depressed 18-year olds?"  This is all said in a valley-girl, gay-styled inflection with an undercurrent of five-year-old whine. 

Ok, so if you step back and think about it, which only those who have reached a basic level of maturity can do, there are so many things wrong with that question that it is difficult to address each of the issues in sound-bite-sized arguments that might actually penetrate the muddled thoughts of those who think they are saving the world while they are tearing the fabric of free society asunder.



And stop with the "military guy" posts in social media by so-called ex-military guys who talk about AR15s like they are AK47s.  If these idiots are comparing the AK to the AR, they dont know what they are talking about and should be ashamed of themselves.  But they are young, buff, and cool, and therefore MUST know something!  Nope.


If you are out there marching, you are one of the usefully idiots that Stalin so adored. 

My favorite quote so far: Liberalism: when you believe teenagers don't know enough about guns to own them, but know enough about guns to decide whether or not YOU should own them.

This is all SUCH bullshit, and just because these are KIDS doing the marching, politicians are wringing their hands and losing their principles.   Well, STOP IT.  GET SOME GONADS and quit cowering while the Left steals our rights.  We are stronger than this.  Fight back!