Thursday, November 10, 2016

The True Colors of the Totalitarian Left

The true colors of the Left are on full display tonight as the sore losers take to the streets for their final hurah.  What these numnuts burning fires and causing headaches for the police don't see or feel around them is the pure joy of millions of entrepreneurs, unemployed oil workers, restauranteurs, and home-based business owners who now know that the wicked witch is dead!  We are joyous with the anticipation at the death of Obamacare, one of the most aggregious transfers of wealth at the hands of politicians since the New Deal. 

The scare-mongering is just beginning as the failed linguist Paul Krugman pens yet another ridiculous column, this time warning that the markets will "never recover!"  I've got only one thing to say to the leader of the Left, "A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats!"  I would think that we could finally push Dr. Krugman from his Leftist pedestal with the penning of his obviously piss-poor analysis of market behavior.  This guy is done being of any influence in the economic arena; perhaps he should go back to his academic roots and work on his failed theories there.  It's time for media outlets like CRTV and PJMEDIA to take their rightful places in the forefront of political discussion. 

Most entrepreneurs and professional business people are too busy to listen to those who base their theories of everything on "models." These Americans are too busy getting their products ordered, shelved, and marketed to worry that some Leftist has-been thinks the markets might never recover and, frankly, that sounds like bunk to them because with the death of Obamacare, lower taxes, and regulatory moratoriums, they think it sounds more like Morning in America! 

I've been humming, "Nah, na, na, nah, na, na, na, nah, hey, hey, hey, Goodbye," for 12 hours, and my favorite thing to do now is to pick out the little American flags on the cars in traffic.  I don't feel like there is a guillotine hanging over my head anymore which is an entirely new experience after a solid year of believing that Americans would buy the lies that Hillary Clinton was selling in her campaign.  After listening to Obama move to the right in his campaign, using the buzzwords, "entrepreneurship," and "small business," knowing that as soon as he won the election, he asked most of America to "sit in the back of the bus," I feared that the working class would    once again believe the lies so carefully crafted by the Left to fool Mr. & Mrs. American Entrepreneur and with little or no fight in the Republican candidate in 2012, it was hard for me to believe that Donald Trump was going to convince my compatriots that we could bring free market capitalist principles to the fight.  I should have believed because he was, afterall, the only Republican candidate who bucked the establishment advisors and brought the Clinton history front and center at the debates.  It was the first time that a Republican showed some guts and threw the sexual predator charge right back in the faces of Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Do I think it made a difference in the minds of some of the voters?  Absolutely.  I would have gone further, of course.  I would have brought up the crass and devastating actions of Hillary Clinton when she fired lifetime Whitehouse travel staff with little notice to replace them with her buddies from Arkansas.  It was a classless act and one that should haunt her to her grave.  The non-partisan staffers had warmly welcomed every president from Carter forward and she packed up their belongings and threw them out on their ears, and she wasn't even the President!  I would have voted against her for that alone.

In retrospect, I think it was the fact that Trump was a fierce fighter, a characteristic I disliked intensely during the primary when he devastated my candidate with attacks on his father and wife that were beyond the pale, that brought the American people to their feet and created the movement that resulted in a Republican victory.  It may have been the Republican's year in any case, but there was something in the Trump candidacy that Americans didn't see in Romney that brought them to the polls and I admit wholeheartedly that I am grateful for it.  I am also grateful that the Never Trumper crowd was less of a crowd and more of a reactionary few who will now melt into the "movement" and be forgiven for disliking the candidate who will bring back prosperity to America.  It's OK in America to dislike your party's candidate, and it's OK to believe that we might, once again find hope in the form of free-market capitalism in our Constitutional Republic.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Horrified Hillary

That Hillary Clinton is "horrified" by Donal Trump's reticence to accept the election results in a country where hundreds of venues submit suspect election results, where we accept that the black panthers can stand 20 feet from a ballot box, and where the Demoncrats put up an absolute FIT about hanging chads in Florida is hypocrisy at its finest.  In a recent Star Talk hosted by one of my favorites, Neil deGrasse Tyson, the participants discussed alternate universes as an accepted part of string theory.  It is my contention that our parallel realities are bumping up against one another on a regular basis during this election cycle and I have landed in the universe that should not exist.  I love you Neil, even though you are a little nuts about the climate change issue, but can we find a way to control this so that I live in the universe where Liberty is the accepted order?  I want to jump out of this universe and into that one, please.  Maybe we could work on that.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Death of the Republican Party

Oh, I hope I'm proven wrong.  But when the leadership of your party is more concerned with K street than Main Street, it is on it's way to the trash-heap of history.  It is possible that the American people, stressed-out by $12,000/year medical policies, loath to hand even more power to the federal government, sick of 20 Trillion dollars in debt and growing, may stop toying with ideological pursuits, recognize that their principles might have to take a hit, again, and vote for the nominee of our party, but I doubt it.  They are far too interested in moral suicide.

I befriended many of the Never-Trump crowd in my zeal to support a true Constitutional Conservative, Ted Cruz; and I have been loath to criticize them because I also have a difficult time voting for someone who is lately come to the Republican party, cannot define even one principle of conservative philosophy or discuss Liberty though he graduated from one of the best schools in the country, and is obviously a shrewd financier!  He has never considered political philosophy much less read any of the great philosophers, or studied our history to any great extent.  This is mildly frustrating to those of us who strongly believed that a Cruz/Rubio ticket would have crushed the obviously damaged goods the Democrat Party has put forward.

But there is one thing the Democrat Party has that we Republicans do not...millions who don't care about history, liberty, philosophy, classical republicanism, economics, or freedom for that matter.  They are willing to elect a liar who they believe has been given a "bad rap" and let her grow the government, open the borders, and fully liberalize our court system without a thought that this will crush entrepreneurship and finally slam shut the door to Liberty, private property rights, religious freedom, and our Republic, in no uncertain terms.  We will have the government to care for us.  We may not receive any care, but the government is there and it will be ubiquitous.  At every turn we will have the government to "help."

Our future business plans are uncertain.  We will likely close our doors if the economy continues to falter (and yes, it continues to falter...1% growth is not "growth," folks), and try a more variable-cost friendly business model, leaving the fixed-cost brick and mortar to those with higher margins.  And though we are the only Billiard shop in Western Montana, we are selling goods bought with the most disposable of all income and there will be little of that with no energy development, no coal, no industry of any kind leaving Montanans to rely upon the entrepreneurial and the transient.  Our property values will be supported by those who must escape the southern states as they slowly morph into third world countries with the attendant violence and low property values. 

For those in similar predicaments, please support the Convention of the States Project.  The only way, and I mean ONLY way that we will save our Republic after years and years of economic malfeasance will be by using our 5th Amendment.  I, for one, will fight to limit the terms of those who practice politics as a profession, limit judges who legislate from the bench to name just a few of the important amendments that we must pass.  I will ignore those who believe that the Convention process will somehow be hijacked even though 39 states must vote to pass amendments and press forward in the name of Liberty for my kids and my country.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Warrior Stands Fast

The reaction to Ted Cruz' speech at the #RNC tonight says much more about the Trump supporters than it does about Ted Cruz' character.  When Reagan appeared at "Ford's" convention and spoke briefly of unity, he basically did the same thing that Ted Cruz did tonight.  Cruz, highly insulted by personal attacks by Trump and his surrogates, could be forgiven, in a civil society, for not endorsing Mr. Trump. In fact, I'm guessing that had he endorsed Trump, his political capital would have been hurt far worse than it has by saying, "vote your conscience," to a room full of people who may not feel entirely comfortable with their choice.  And Group Think is a powerful thing.  Those who might have given Ted a pass were surrounded by boos and cat-calls and other unbelievably rude and un-unifying behavior and probably felt compelled to join in the popular uprising.  It is, afterall, far more fun to Boo and criticize than it is to defend a warrior to a mob.  And make no mistake, Ted Cruz is one of our finest warriors. 

I sympathize wholeheartedly with those who must now defend their vote against Trump as being one of principle and not a vote to install Hillary Clinton to the executive.  Donald Trump won his party's nomination by lying about Ted Cruz' character, demeaning his wife and then attacking his father.  Not once did DJT have to match wits w Ted Cruz one on one in a debate about policy where we could take the measure of DJTs Conservatism.  Nope, Trump proved himself to be a talented politician, avoiding a one-on-one policy debate with the most talented Conservative debater in the field.  It was downright Clintonesque. 

The Trump campaign had a chance tonight to mend fences, contain the rude behavior, and manage expectations; afterall, Trump knew what was in Cruz' speech.  Instead, in true political scorched earth policy fashion, they crushed Conservative voices and, once again, attacked our Conservative warrior.  Instead of taking yet another opportunity to mend fences, they chose to foment the rage of Group-think gone wild and, led by a delegation from NY that cannot even deliver its own state come election night, they sent out the surrogates to insult and demean conservative voices. 

Ted is a Snake, a Liar, a Scumbag; all these words are flying around the blogosphere wrapped in statements like, "It's Cruz' fault we're not unified!"  Huh, it makes scratching one's head seem redundant.  How is a Conservative standing on principle, calling for unity, and telling his supporters to vote their conscience as  Constitutional Conservatives not unifying? 

In the Trump world of group think, there is no room for dissent of any kind, THAT is how it is not unifying.  They know that their candidate is not a Constitutional Conservative.  If Trump had cared to unify his party, he would have told the NY delegation to hold their fire.  But he doesnt care. 

Trump doesn't care about Conservative thought, values or beliefs; he could give a crap about our Constitution and  the importance of adhering to its principles in the face of Alinskiite attacks on our society, and he could give a hoot about 1/3 of his party because that's not how he operates.  He is a take no prisoners guy and unity is not as important as building brand, destroying perceived dissent, and "winning" at all costs. 

So, to all those Trump supporters out there who seem to value unity and accuse Cruz of creating dissent, get over it.  Our warrior didn't create the problem, YOU did.  Keep attacking Conservatives and you will go down in the flames of November with nothing, very much like the NY delegation will.  Hold your fire, get to work, and start campaigning instead of frothing at the mouth to kill Conservative dissent and you MIGHT have a chance to beat the Clinton machine because, frankly, this election shouldnt even be close.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Off with Their Socialist Heads!

Self-proclaimed Socialist politicians like Bernie "Feel the Bern" Sanders should be required to read ALL of Alexander Solzhenitsyn ' s Gulag series while sitting in a jail cell.  I am outraged that in our country where we have been given the great gift of political and market freedom, where moronic men like Bernie Sanders have spent their lives immersed in the bossom of capitalism while complaining of its inequities, we do not punish this rank stupidity in the face of Socialism ' s failures. 

NO!  The "rest of the civilized world" does not have socialized medicine!  NO! Denmark, Norway, Sweden & Finland are NOT "democratic socialist" countries.  In fact, there is a great book just out that addresses the development of these market economies and it's thesis is that after many years of the Socialist experiment, these governments are moving away from the failed nanny - state policies that slowed growth and productivity toward capitalist free-market economics. 

As I watch the utter failure of yet another Socialist experiment resulting in massive human suffering, my anger Is palpable.  I am tired of not only watching the human suffering resulting from Socialism ' s inevitable slide into despotic tyranny, but also having to watch as free Americans who don't have to rob trucks for food practically BEG for the same policies from our political elite Leftists who use cute slogans like "Feel The Bern," to market dangerous political policies to people who have been educated in schools that no longer teach history, which they are doomed now to repeat.  I do not want to go with them. Nor do I want my country to become a Socialist haven like Venezuela.

I'm suggesting that Socialism is dangerous, creates opportunity for despots and that yes, no government at all would be better than giving a central authority the power to ruin so many lives.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I say, "Bump, Bump, Chumps for Trump!"

This is my anti-Trump bump, a white-girl rap that will insult the Trump Chumps as much as I am willing to insult them at this time.  I'm excited that you're excited...I am.  But, wow, really?  Is he two?  His last rant consisted of "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" language usually reserved for the kindergarten playground.  

When asked what Conservatism meant to him, he drew a blank; and his business dealings will out...he can't hide them forever.  Hopefully, his mob connections will give Hillary pause before she orders her own hit on the man.  Oh, I know, my Lib friends are exclaiming, drawing in deep breaths, etc., but just consider:  I'm not saying Trump's not corrupt, I'm pretty sure he's corruptible, but COME ON... Hillary?!

And the Birther Crap, I cannot tolerate it!.  It is purely and simply crap, and if you are going to bring it up, then you need to read, alot, but mainly this:

The word "Chump" came to me as I listened to Trump backtrack on HB1 Visas.  The argument that we do not have enough young workers trained in Science, Mathmatics and Computer Programming is a lie perpetrated by those who wish to defend the status quo in STEP industry wage levels, which have remained flat through the last 10 years. 

Stagnant wages in STEP industry jobs directly correlate to HB1 Visas causing demand for these jobs to increase.  Do you think that the big software companies and tech industry giants need a government subsidy in the form of foreign workers who will accept low wages?  Yeah, me either.  Cruz has come out firmly, as usual, on the right side of this issue. 

But my guy isn't a bombastic Scot with crazy hair, years of reality TV brand recognition, and an unending supply of cash.  Instead, he was the valedictorian of his high school class, he's had to work at being "cool," and he pissed off the establishment when he stood against a vote proposed by Sen. McConnell to trick voters into thinking their chosen Senators were supporting something when they were not. 

McConnell,  in fact, berated Cruz in front of his colleagues and when the vote came down, only Mike Lee from UT and Ted Cruz voted correctly.  Even Rand Paul blew that one. 

Cruz graduated Summa Cum Laud from his Harvard class after serving as the President of the Law Review and as if that weren't enough, he went on to clerk for William Renquist, one of the most brilliant jurists our Supreme Court has ever known.  Renquist insisted that Cruz learn to play tennis and though he was awful at the game, he took lessons and learned to play because it was important to be present in the justice's downtime in order to better understand him. 

After leaving the clerkship, Cruz brought nine cases before the court and he did not lose one.  He remembers everything he ever hears, which has a name that I can't remember, but the point is that he is conservative, brilliant, and tireless in his defense of our Bill of Rights.  And we need that now.

He faces an uphill battle with a public easily swayed by charisma and brand and a media that pretends Cruz doesn't exist.  In a discussion about who might beat Donald Trump on Fox news this past weekend, Dagan McDowell opined that "women don't like to listen to Ted Cruz." Maybe she's right, maybe we have come to the time in our society when, if you are not acceptable by media standards, and you don't have all the right moves, you can't win the nomination.  Frankly, Dagan McDowell, given her strange looks and bizarre voice, should give Ted Cruz a break.

And, Dagan, I like listening to serious, intelligent, trustworthy people who say what they mean and then DO what they say they will do,  and Ted Cruz is that guy.  Whether the rest of the Conservative base will wake up and vote for the right guy, we will not know for a while yet.  But one thing is for certain-sure!  If the nominee is Trump, I will don my "Chump" hat and vote with the rest of the Trump Chumps, no matter what.

Alex Jones is an Operative for the Republican Establishment

I know, controversial, right?  Well, I think that based on Alex Jones' accusation that Ted Cruz is an Republican-Establishment Spy is pretty much the nuttiest thing I've heard yet.  God forbid there be some nth degree of separation that associates Ted Cruz with the Bush family (who are evil incarnate...and I'm not yet convinced that is true, but I'm willing to look at any evidence anyone has) because Ted, THEREFORE, must be an operative, a spy, or something worse, an establishment whore.

Would someone bash me over the head with a cast iron frying pan, please?!  I'm sure that I've missed something crucial in my efforts to simply BE a conservative.  Alex says, "I don't screw anybody over..."  HA!  When you spout the kind of accusations the day of a primary election against one particular candidate, you are screwing them over, Alex (said with my best disdain-ridden voice, perhaps with a little spit on the X)  Fortunately, I think that Alex has a small reach; though he will assure you he has many big-time requests for his show (which he distributes as a public service...for free; news organizations are encouraged to use the blank spaces in his show for advertising).  OK, I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that if this were quality content, he would ask people to pay.

And what is up with the Schlafly/Sessions/Coulter folks?  Oh, I suppose they look at the Trump campaign as political Nirvana where free trade means fair trade.  Well, great.  So, we're going to go back to the heady days of Smoot-Hawley.  For those of you who remember your 9th grade Civics class, Smoot-Hawley is the economic proof that when you pick winners and losers in the trade arena, you usually end up being the loser.  "But," the proponents argue,"Tariffs don't have to be like Smoot-Hawley, we can use formulas to determine 'fair' trade, i.e., if a foreign country pays its folks .25cents/hr, it gets docked."

OK, but when have you EVER known a politician to stop at one sensible rule.  They never do.  So, I now have to trust a candidate who's claim to fame is saying "You're Fired!" on a reality TV show to propose nuanced trade policy?  OK, he wrote a book (one of my favorites), but that doesn't mean that I think that Trump is the right guy to tread carefully in the Fair Trade arena.  Do you?  I guess that's my question.  It's a matter of Trust.

And Conservatives, yet again, have been tested post-Reagan and they have failed.  It's the Conservative, Dummies!  Vote for the Conservative!  He's not hard to spot since he's the only one in the field; well, except for Carson, but I'm thinking at this point that Carson needs to vacate his run for President.  Pick your issue: Immigration, Trade, Economy, Cruz has done nothing but be Conservative.  He's not a shill for the establishment, he's not a Catholic-hating Evangelist, and he fought against the Gang of Eight, Ann Coulter, in case you're reading this (I hear she reads my Blog religiously).

What he IS, is a Conservative, Harvard SCL graduate who has won every case he has fought for in the Supreme Court (nine by last count).  He's a Dad, husband, and Senator from the great state of Texas, and he deserves Conservative support.  As for Alex Jones, who is that guy?  And what planet does he come from?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Why My Family & Friends in NH Should Vote for Ted Cruz

Novelty, charisma, bombast: these characteristics make for star-power in the sound-bite media culture that Donald Trump has spent years mastering.  My initial reaction to Trump's entry into the 2016 presidential race was excitement.  I have to admit that the thought of having a business man in the Executive position in our government is very attractive.  And when Trump says things like, "We'll hire the best people to run these agencies," etc., I look of the mucky mess we currently put up with in our government offices and I experience a spark of hope.  It's been so LONG since I've had that spark of hope and Obama has made so many extra-Constitutional, regulation-heavy decisions that it feels GOOD to have that spark of hope.  Read my last Blog post; I have divorced myself from the Executive branch of my government, and it was an emotional divorce!  My empathy toward Trump voters is real; but we Conservatives must not vote for Donald Trump.

I did not come to this decision lightly.  I enjoyed being a Trump voter, however fleeting.  The heady days of Reagan returned to my soul and I remembered the excitement that voting for a charismatic leader engendered.  We could have Ronald Reagan, or something like a Ronald Reagan victory again!  So, here I was thinking that life was looking up from my political perspective and BAM, I received a reality check in one sound bite (which seems appropriate).  In a televised interview, an msnbc reporter asked Mr. Trump what Conservatism meant to him.  Easy, right?  Small government, adherence to a political system of small r republicanism by following the Constitution, free market capitalism as the vehicle to bring prosperity to all people, god-given rights, etc.  You probably have some idea of why you're a conservative, right?  Well, I'm telling you right now that your answer would have been better than Donald Trump's answer was.  He was obviously thrown...shaken by the most basic question that a reporter can ask a politician!  Hell, the only part of his answer that made any sense at all was his mentioning conservation of the environment (which we as Conservatives often forget to talk about).  It was bunk, pure and simple.  He had no idea why he's a "Conservative."  He has probably since been educated, or at least, I hope they've educated him; but it's too late.  I already know that Trump is not a Conservative...not really.

I would probably have voted for him anyway, because I want to win!  I want to crush those little socialist idiots into dust, period.  But it kept bothering me.  I've read both of these men's books.  Donald Trump's books have always been interesting and fun, but I had to make myself read Ted Cruz's book.  By page 2, I was already enjoying the narrative.  Not only does his family's history provide for good reading, but he writes extremely well, never leaving the reader to slog through boring sentences.  Every chapter in his book was interesting, pertinent, and told a story.  He's an open book, to those who read his tome.  Donald has a very different style.  He's not going to let you into his innermost thoughts; you are an observer and a pretty lowly one at that and certainly one that has a lot to learn, in his opinion.

It was a combination of writing style, the Conservative question, and a conversation I was having in my mind with my late step-father, Bob, who would reside solidly on the side of Ted Cruz.  He would tell me that consistency means something in politics; that it's not a popularity contest, in fact, Reagan was a hated man, an intractable dumb cowboy ex-governor/actor who would destroy the world with one press of the red button; that we have watched Ted Cruz buck the establishment every step of the way.  He was elected by the grass roots voters of Texas who sent their donations in small denominations to a campaign waged against an establishment billionaire incumbent.  Cruz told the folks who sent in their checks $25 at a time that he would fight for Constitutional rights, strong borders, and the invasive, abusive, intrusive behemoth, Obamacare, which he said he would fight with his heart and sole to repeal.  We have a Senator here in Montana, Steve Daines, who promised the same thing.  He did not deliver.  The ONLY politician who has delivered any of what he said he was going to deliver is Ted Cruz.  Go look at his rating on Conservative; he is one of a few Senators with an A rating.  My Senator Daines, who ran as a Tea Party Conservative has a D.  That's what you get when the grass roots gets swept aside.

So, this is the time to elect the one person in this race who is in politics because the people supported him, one vote, one check and one conversation at a time.  He did what he said he was going to do: he fought against Obamacare, he fought against "Immigration Reform" that we all KNEW was a bad idea (supported strongly by Marco Rubio...but don't get me started on him...he should NOT be President, but I think that's obvious), and, most importantly, he stood up to the establishment leadership of the Republican Party who, if you remember...think about it, it will make your blood boil...made deals with President Obama that increased our government debt by about a Trillion, and passed crucial legislation for the green energy folks (resulting in the loss of 800 coal jobs just the other day), among a thousand other things that grew our government, yet again.  Cruz told McConnell he was a liar and McConnell doesn't like him anymore, therefore nobody likes him anymore?  No, McConnell (who is one of this world's biggest idiots) doesn't like him because Cruz called him on the carpet; that's who doesn't like him any more.

Finally, Donald Trump is a Twitter-addict who thinks that he can use star-power to win an election instead of a good old fashioned political ground-game.  His stream-of-consciousness tweeting has clearly shown his childish tendencies.  Honestly, his sons should hide his phone.  Or worse, maybe it's not him!  No, I think it is; only the Don would say stuff like that and then proceed forward as if everything were just great.  After destroying Ben Carson by going on and on about the knife incident in an interview and many town hall gatherings, saying what a psychopath Ben used to be and how that never goes away and how we couldn't trust him because he might be like a pedophile (yep, remember that one?).  That's why Ben's numbers in Iowa tanked!  So, I had to laugh when there was Trump, being interviewed about the Iowa caucuses saying that Ben was such a great guy and so respected, how could Cruz do something so awful to tweet that Ben was not headed to NH (a tweet that was true in content, though should have been fact-checked); but the hubris that Trump has makes me wary.  He is a chameleon of the highest order.

Ted may not have the most handsome appearance.  I know he doesn't have the appeal of Reagan or the rugged good looks that we think we need in a leader, but he will be a great President.  He will lead with honesty, integrity, and he will take a careful look before leaping in foreign conflicts (where Rubio is more of a leaper).   He will tear into whichever candidate the Demoncrats put up against us, and he will always act in a Constitutionally consistent manner.  This means state's rights, Lefties.  He will leave important social issues up to the states to solve.  It's an important distinction.  And, frankly, I'm not sure Trump really gets that part of the whole "Conservative" thing.  In fact, I think Donald is lately come to the Conservative political philosophy, and would, therefore, prefer to hire him to build the wall instead of hiring him to run the executive branch of our government in a Constitutionally consistent manner.  We need Ted Cruz and I hope that you will overlook the lack of charisma, the strangeness of his looks, to the character of the man who should be the next President of the United States of America.

Just a note of remembrance and thanks to a man who influenced me and taught me what I know and love about Conservatism.  Thanks, Bob!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

It is Time to Ignore Obama

Yeah, I get it.  Somehow the Liberals have convinced you that gun rights don't matter a wit.  After all, I'm sure that a background check would have saved the grade school kids at Sandy Hook and the movie theater attendees in Colorado.  No?  You disagree that a background check would have saved lives?  Huh.

It's not rocket science, folks, it's common sense.  We have the right in this country to bear arms.  That doesn't mean that you can equate a right of ownership to yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater like Obama just did to justify his lawlessness.  That, on it's face, is ridiculous.  First and foremost, the real life example is not to compare it to our 1st Amendment right to free speech.  The real life example is to say that we can't all own nuclear weapons; that's the comparison, because the 2nd Amendment is a right stemming from our natural rights discussed clearly in the Declaration of Independence.  It is a right that we have as a populace to own our own protection AGAINST OUR GOVERNMENT.

But Barack Obama and his idiotic Attorney General Lynch (which is not an accepted name on the Left) sat in front of the fawning Praetorian guard media and the sycophant Sheeple today and gave us the most psychotic Liberal tripe I have yet heard from this one-time adjunct instructor (NOT a full professor of ANYTHING...least of all the Constitution of the United States of America) followed by even less intelligible gibberish from Ms Lynch.  My God people, we're talking about your RIGHTS here and you are fully willing to hand them OVER.

Hell, just give up now, hand the ruling class the power and live your lives knowing that you are safe in the bosom of Socialism and all your needs will be met by the government and it's brilliant political elite.  Give them everything now, because they WILL take it.  There is not ONE example of Socialism that works for a population of 300 million.  That is why the Socialists ended up killing 60 million Orthodox Christians and Pol Pot killed over 4 million of his own, the list is long and the facts are overwhelming to the point where the Sheeple aren't able to process the evil that it takes to kill giant swathes of the populace; the political elite  don't want to be challenged and they are willing to kill in order to protect themselves.  I know, I know, that will never happen in the US, never.  We're going to be a Democratic Socialist country where it actually does work.  The people who have grown up in the safety of a society created by capitalism and under girded with Christianity are blissfully ignorant avoiding the lessons of history at their peril.

It will start with the psychiatrists hired by our government who will come into our lives recommended by the state and they will throw dissenters in psych wards.  There will be news of reporters and right-wing "loons" who needed to be hospitalized; I bet if you look hard enough, it's already happened.  I wonder what ever happened to the guy who made a stupid video used as the excuse for Benghazi by an evil Secretary of State.  We have enough Conservatives in this country to bring attention to these things, but will the Sheeple listen?

I believe in free markets, Liberty, our Constitution, and the ideas on which this country was founded; and I believe in these things so strongly that I am willing to defend them with my life.  I would prefer that my life not be spent in a psych ward, but I am willing to say the things that will eventually make me unpopular in the power structure.  I will also have to have my gun rights taken from me against my will.  I am willing to defy what I believe is an extra-constitutional executive order that is clearly made by an individual intent on changing the structure of our founding.  In essence, Mr. Obama can kiss my Lilly White Ass.  And if he wants to push it, I'm willing to push back.

I believe this administration has over-stepped its bounds.  It is time for Obama to be ignored.  We can start with the FACT that Obama just let two criminals who were convicted of gun crimes and sentenced to appropriate sentences out of jail because, well, I'm still trying to figure that one out.  Apparently, the explanation is that we have too many people in jail.  Well, stop letting people into the country!  So, while he seeks to curtail our Constitutional Rights on one hand, he lets criminals out of jail who have abused those rights on the other.  I believe something here violates his oath of office to protect me and my family (in addition to the release of 5 lieutenants in ISIS in trade for a "prisoner" of war who is now being tried for treason); due to these and myriad number of extra-Constitutional acts of Utopian Socialism, BO is no longer my President.  I no longer recognize a President of the United States.

You know, I felt scattered in organizing my thoughts for this Blog.  I don't usually.  I usually have very organized thoughts and a very clear road to expressing those thoughts.  But today was different.  I've never experienced such a feeling as I did today: that given the blatant actions by this President and his cadre of Socialists, that I am no longer attached to a branch of my government.  I no longer believe that this Administration believes in my Constitution.  I do believe they are trying to overthrow my beautiful country and it is difficult to write about.  There are so many blatant examples of treasonous behavior that it takes ones breath away.  I understand now the crushing defeat the Solzhenitsyn felt when he had to leave his country.  Even upon his return, he knew that though there had been progress, his country was now under the jackboot of another power, the power of the globalist mobsters and political elite.  Communism is now considered quaint, but "democratic socialism" is all the rage.  The struggle continues.